Growing Marijuana

September 22, 2010

is compact fluorescent light work for growing marijuana?

O_o asked: area:1 sq
September 22, 2010

Stealth 420 Grow Dresser; Stealth Marijuana Growing

420stealthmicrogrow asked: This is my stealth grow box, the grow dresser. i learned how to grow from I grow my own personal marijuana and have […]
September 23, 2010

Found Marijuana growing?

Jeff asked: My “friend” found marijuana growing in a pretty secluded spot near a river. The only reason he found it was cause he had a […]
September 23, 2010

Under propostioton 215, is growing marijuana legal?

daflingbaba asked: I have been reading many articels on the new upcoming vote on Proposition 19. but am lesrning many things about 215 I have not […]
September 23, 2010

say my bro is growing marijuana and my parents dont know who gets charged if my bro is a adult?

Miggy Z asked: say he may have more than 10 plants my parents have no idea how do my parents prevent from them getting into trouble […]
September 23, 2010

Do you believe Barney Frank when he says he had no idea his lover was growing marijuana?

John asked: He was there when his lover was arrested. Is Barney lying or is he really an idiot that didn’t notice a pot growing operation […]
September 23, 2010

Few Questions about Marijuana :)?

Irakli L asked: Hello Everyone 🙂 Im growing Marijuana outdoor in small wood. 1. Lots of Marijuana videos in youtube there are stones over the ground […]
September 23, 2010

Stopping the growing of marijuana plants?

Amanda B asked: I have a local issue for my report but we need three solutions.. the local issue is the thousands of weed plants being […]
September 24, 2010

how come growing marijuana plant illegal?

Legit asked: theirs just plants… its not harming anything/ anything…. im helping the ecosystem without plants we wouldnt have oxygen and we’d all die. why are […]