Growing Plants

September 3, 2010

buy marijuanna seeds grow medical marijuana growing cannabis

smokingthepot asked: Check out this link now if you want to learn more about growing weed or buy the best weed seeds available anywhere! This […]
September 4, 2010

What’s the penalty for growing 2 marijuana plants in Western Australia?

leolady0765 asked: At a bbq the other night, a question came up about the law in regards growing dope in WA. Most ppl there thought you […]
September 7, 2010

What vegetable plants can I grow in my house?

Eki TC asked: I don’t have a garden, but want to grow some good veg that I can eat, i’m currently growing some pepper plants (first […]
September 8, 2010

Stoping the growing of marijuana plants?

Amanda B asked: I have a local issue for my report but we need three solutions.. the local issue is the thousands of weed plants being […]
September 8, 2010

Growing marijuana plants?

Sashie asked: This is a serious question .. I think these plants are absolutely beautiful, and would like to grow a few of them in my […]
September 9, 2010

What are the Medical Marijuana growing rules in California?

horsetrickrider asked: My neighbor is growing over 80 marijuana plants in the field behind his house. Everyone can see them, the entire neighborhood now knows what […]
September 10, 2010

Regarding growing marijuana plants – what if you don’t recognize them?

Sashie asked: Let’s say hypothetically that marijuana seeds have been planted in your garden, via bird droppings for example, and they grow to beautiful plants – […]
September 10, 2010

how to buy marijuana seeds growing marijuana indoor soil buy weed seeds in usa

growsomepurplepot asked: Check out this link now if you want to learn more about growing weed or buy the best weed seeds available anywhere! This […]
September 11, 2010

What are three easy ways to growing plants or marijuana?

Rob J asked: my plant just sprouted