Growing Marijuana

September 18, 2010

Do CAMP helicopters detect small marijuana grow plots?

Alex B asked: My friend in Amsterdam plans on growing some marijuana outside this summer, although it is legal for him to do so he wants […]
September 18, 2010

how do you get a job growing medicinal marijuana?

ron z asked: i want to know the details on growing medicinal marijuana in california, i know there are a ton of legal dispensaries, im not […]
September 19, 2010

What is the mandatory minimum sentence for growing marijuana?

CMDS asked: My friend had anywhere between 2-6 plants (I am not sure, just found out he was arrested) and had one prior of possession of […]
September 20, 2010

Does the city of Willits, CA have any ordinance against growing medical marijuana?

curious asked: So I know that some communities in California are attempting to slow down marijuana growth in their towns by creating city ordinances against it. […]
September 20, 2010

Will This Affect My Plant Growing (OUTDOOR)?

Pr0be asked: I have some ‘Drop by Drop Flowering Plants drip feeder (32ml)’ and I want to use them in my soil (which is all ready […]
September 20, 2010

How to not get caught growing marijuana in your home?

aaron.odonahue asked: Note: 25 male home owner currently in iraq. (Get it? “higher” education? Ok, maybe not that funny, but seriously, how does one not get […]
September 20, 2010

CANNABIS: How Do You Increase Trichome Development?

gr33n thumb asked: Outdoor Growing Cannabis (Marijuana) If you have a strain that has little or no trichomes at about one month into flower, what would […]
September 21, 2010

Marijuana Growing Closets

growingclosets asked: Video Provided By: For more information visit: A small video showing what growing closets you can buy online verses what you can […]
September 21, 2010

growing marijuana?

asdhm asked: im planning on growing a few marijuana plants for the first time have u guys got any tips for me?