
May 19, 2011

A Joke Every Day – 120 – Blogospherical

So to be fair I support both Obama and the legalization of marijuana, and also I have a blog, but I don’t really keep it updated […]
May 19, 2011

Righteous vs Wicked

This song is set forth for the day of destruction the war of I lives is soon to come like it our not this is not […]
May 23, 2011

Marching Forward

Medicinal Michelle Rainey broadcasts the benefits of Medicinal marihuana to the World. give thanks you corporate executive Barack Obama for discontinuing the raids on cannabis dispensaries […]
July 19, 2011

Cocaine Snorting Obama wants to TAKE AWAY YOUR MEDICAL MARIJUANA!!!

I don’t use or condone the abuse of marijuana but don’t see a problem using it for medicinal purposes. However, admitted cocaine snorting and pathological liar […]
September 7, 2011

OBAMA Smokes “Legal Medicinal Marijuana” for his Nerves

“Libby Lagadi” “PJLU Global Network Solutions” I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (
September 10, 2011

OBAMA Smokes “Legal Medicinal Marijuana” Job gets on his Nerves?

Libby Lagadi PJLU Global Networking SolutionsI created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (
November 4, 2011

Cap City Open Mic Night Ryan Sanders 6-19-2011 medical marijuana, Obama impression

Comedian Ryan Sanders. Share my videos with your friends
January 10, 2012

World Government Elections 2012 Ron Paul Disinformation

In politics, there always has to be a good guy, otherwise there would be a revolt overnight. Good guys are put there as an aphrodisiac for […]
April 6, 2012

Cap City Open Mic Night 6-19-2011 medical marijuana, Obama impression

Comedian Ryan Sanders. Please share, like and comment on my videos Follow me on Twitter: Hire me for a gig: