
September 25, 2010

What is the difference between medicinal and regular marijuana?

Keegzz asked: is medicinal marijuana legal in canada? Is it as unhealthy as regular marijuana?
September 26, 2010

My friend is growing marijuana plants in his house, what are the legalitys surrounding this?

Oprah Winfrey asked: I think he grows less than 10 plants, and we live in Canada. If caught growing for his own benefit but not trafficking, […]
May 19, 2011


May 21, 2011


Medicinal Mike talks about the negative attitudes towards openly demonstrating in support of the decriminalization of Cannabis or Medical Marijuana that are still prevalent in the […]
May 23, 2011

Kids In The Hall ‘just a little’.

May 26, 2011

Kid Rages Over Egg McMuffin // The John Krassman Show

It was just a normal day in the life of John Krassman, a maniac from the state of South Dakota. Based of expierence i’d say that […]
June 24, 2011

Say No to Leona Aglukkaq (Health Canada) and her changes to Medical Marijuana in Canada

Say No to Leona Aglukkaq (Health Minister – Health Canada) and her changes to Medical Marijuana in Canada. She calls these changes (that are a direct […]
July 30, 2011

The Jodie Emery Show – July 28, 2011

Jodie gets a beautiful card and flowers for her and Marc’s 5th anniversary on July 23rd. Marc gets bad news about changes at the prison. Sign […]
August 1, 2011

First Person POV Komoto Red Dragon Bong Hit

Some hits from the big red bong, first hit by nung then a first person hit lol had to blow it out the window