
September 8, 2010

does goldenseal work for a marijuana test? I have quit smoking cold turkey but i need to pass for a job?

mviolette31 asked: what is the difference between the pill and tea? does it matter if it shows up that i took goldenseal? its not illegal to […]
September 17, 2010

things to do on a date ideas?

wtf? asked: soo this guy and i are hanging out tomorow. weve hung out a cple times before but i wanna make tomorow a great day […]
September 22, 2010

What would be better to get a job at McDonalds to support your family, or growing Marijuana and making?

King Samir Shabazz asked: at least twice as much money per year as you would working 2 crappy jobs?
September 28, 2010

Has an officer ever accidentally consumed a marijuana brownie (as a joke, revenge tactic, etc.) and been fired

actuatedtendancy asked: Specifically, has an officer ingested a marijuana brownie- thanks to somebody tricking him/her into consumption as spite or a sick joke- and subsequently taken […]
September 29, 2010

I need advice about a girl that i love very much?

tim_wawrowski asked: Ok, i was in the Disney college program at walt disney world, its where you go and work there. And i was working in […]
September 30, 2010

Huge 9-11 Truth appearance at Los Angeles Anti-War March ignored by ShameStream Media.flv

sunrise1834 asked: WE ARE CHANGE! 9-11 WAS AN INSIDE JOB!
July 10, 2011

DOJ Claims Marijuana has No Medicinal Value but US Govt Patented Pot in 2003!

Real News @ RevolutionNews.US — US Govt Medicinal Marijuana Patent #6630507… Marijuana to remain in the same class of drugs as heroin… The federal government officially […]
October 5, 2011

Feds: Abandon Your Gun Rights For Using Your ‘Legal’ Medicine

Real News @ RevolutionNews.US — ATF shifts blame It’s Congress fault marijuana users can’t own guns… Video: Marijuana Activist Debates Former ATF Head on Second Amendment […]
October 6, 2011

Feds: Abandon Your Gun Rights For Using Medicinal Marijuana

Real News @ RevolutionNews.US — ATF shifts blame It’s Congress fault marijuana users can’t own guns… Video: Marijuana Activist Debates Former ATF Head on Second Amendment […]