
September 12, 2010

Can someone give me a reason not to allow medicinal marijuana for sick and dying patients when prescribed?

scarson1109 asked: I can’t think of any realistic reasons why – when prescribed by a legitimate doctor – our government would not allow medicinal marijuana for […]
September 14, 2010

What explains the growing support for marijuana legislation?

Call of the Wilde asked: I’ve always been for it, but is seems that it’s just NOW becoming favored. Is there a particular reason for […]
September 17, 2010

i smell marijuana growing at my house but cant locate it?

ohh my asked: i get a whiff marijuana everytime im in my backyard and every summer since i moved here i have this problem. i have […]
September 18, 2010

Im growing medical marijuana, what happened to my plant?

Ray M asked: hopefully i dont get banned again for no reason…anyway, my plant just fell over all a sudden, not sure what i did wrong… […]
September 23, 2010

Found Marijuana growing?

Jeff asked: My “friend” found marijuana growing in a pretty secluded spot near a river. The only reason he found it was cause he had a […]
September 26, 2010

What are they blood testing before gastric bypass/ any surgery?

Nicole asked: Before I have my gastric bypass surgery in March, the hospital told me they’re going to have to run a series of blood tests. […]
September 27, 2010

Is it legal for any medicinal reason to be growing and using marijuana in Massachusetts?

jesstranscription asked: Are people allowed by federal license to grown and use “Medical Marijuana” in MA?
May 19, 2011

Mark Woodring Busts a Move (For No Apparent Reason Whatsoever)

I felt like doing a silly little dance, so I wrote and recorded a silly little bass track to dance to.
June 6, 2011


Pictures of Amsterdam May 2009. Set to Country and “The Law of the Jungle” by Rudyard Kipling. Smallest houses in Europe and legal marijuana… any more […]