
May 21, 2011

This is why you shouldnt do drugs

as you can see, this video will show you the side effects on the human mind and how it will change human behaviour( simuluation of what […]
July 31, 2011

mrshapplymarried’s autobiography “1981 age 8-9”

mrshapplymarried’s autobiography “1981 age 8-9” autobiography “1981 age 8-9” sexual abuse bruises neglect substandard medical attention unsupervised weed 420 dealer babysitter incestual brother trainset dollhouse glamour […]
December 23, 2011

2 Week old Marijuana plant grows light yellow curly leaves, Please help

Hello: This is my first grow, I used youtube for all the information I now know about growing cannabis. For the past 4 days the my […]
March 30, 2012

carport greenhouse update 2012

KONY Afghan Bhang Black Bobby Brown Broccoli Buddha Grass Dope Draw Dro Dry High Dubby Ganja Gangster Giggleweed Hemp Herb Indoor Jane Jive Joint Kabizzle Kryptonite […]