
February 4, 2011

making whiskey and growing pot

Jim Tom explains about the shift from making moonshine to growing marijuana in the mountains of North Carolina. Read a review of Still Making Moonshine at…
May 20, 2011

Growing Tahoe OG Kush and DNA ReCon

Growing these fine medicinal marijuana strains in soil. DNA genetics ReCon and Tahoe OG kush, also growing a cutting of blueberry x trinity in here as […]
May 23, 2011

Outdoor Marijuana HARVEST BUDDING 2010

A longer look into a medical marijuana garden in mostly sunny Northern California. ENJOY;)
May 24, 2011

Outdoor Marijuana 2010 HARVEST BUDS

A longer update into the progress of a Northern Californian medical marijuana grow.
July 31, 2011

mrshapplymarried’s autobiography “1981 age 8-9”

mrshapplymarried’s autobiography “1981 age 8-9” autobiography “1981 age 8-9” sexual abuse bruises neglect substandard medical attention unsupervised weed 420 dealer babysitter incestual brother trainset dollhouse glamour […]