
September 10, 2010

What LEGAL paperwork do i need to grow medical marijuana?

mercedes b asked: Hello, i’m moving to san juaquin county, ca, and i was planning to start growing marijuana for medical use, the problem is not […]
September 26, 2010

what are the cons of having medicinal marijuana in state of California?

agha danny asked: hello, I was wondering is there any downside to having it legally? Beside not being able to have government jobs. for example the […]
August 16, 2012

Russian game Ink Face Prank

In Russia – Ink-Face Prank Home (Dixie Chicks Album) prank face just for laughs gags best freak out ever hidden camera video hidden camera prank Ugly […]
August 17, 2012

Russian game Ink Face Prank [FULL ORIGINAL VERSION]

In Russia – Ink-Face Prank Home (Dixie Chicks Album) prank face just for laughs gags best freak out ever hidden camera video hidden camera prank Ugly […]