
September 1, 2010

Why would anyone reject the idea of medicinal marijuana?

JoeyleeC. asked: So there’s a 9 year old boy with cancer. Every few months he has to go to the hospital to get chemo, afterwards he’s […]
September 1, 2010

blood test.marijuana.i dont know anything about it?

numberseven.withabullet asked: yeah so i was just hanging out with my friend [[who does drugs]] and like he was joking around and put a small amount […]
September 4, 2010

Why is marijuana illegal?

Restin Pieces asked: I am 19 and have never drunk alcohol or taken any drugs, but I cannot for the life of me figure out why […]
September 5, 2010

GARY 7:drug bust arrest marijuana police drug bust marijuana

GaryMarijuanaPotDoll asked: —-GET HIGH? then click SUBSCRIBE—-for Gary 7 video: gary’s police girl moves in and drug busts gary buying marijuana police style. Arrest a sure […]
September 6, 2010

The Jamaican Drug Police

thetruthergirls asked: Officer Irie visits Mr Jones regarding his drug use. Disclaimer: This video is for entertainment purposes only and is not intended to promote the […]
September 7, 2010

GARY 17: drug cartel dea bust police raid marijuana arrest

GaryMarijuanaPotDoll asked: Gary gets arrested & busted by the DEA police for marijuana and drugs. And joins the marijuana DEA police to bust the drug cartel […]
September 7, 2010

funny prank phone call clean crank wind up pre Fonejacker by a mile Ya Can’t Blag Me [Or can I?]

ClemProductions asked: An advert for a car leads to 2 conversations involving a stolen car, some dodgy plates, some drugs and confusion. All showing how easy […]
September 12, 2010

My friends are Potheads?

Superfrog asked: First of all im a senior in high school and the group i hang out with is kinda an outdoor group. We go backpacking […]
September 16, 2010

What should we do with Marijuana clinic in California?

slew asked: California legalize medical marijuana. Its still illegal, but basically its a statement that California will not prosecute people who has medical reason to have […]