Medical Marijuana

September 16, 2010

Do medicinal marijuana plants require direct sunlight to grow when grown outdoors?

Ryan asked: I have my medical marijuana card and am currently trying to grow a few plants to cut back on the cost of buying from […]
September 16, 2010

medical marijuana growing license and background checks?

nathanj85 asked: I want to start growing for dispensaries and understand that you need a marijuana card and license to do so. I also understand this […]
September 16, 2010

Will getting a medicinal marijuana card effect my financial aid?

asked: I heard that I might not be able to receive financial aid for college if I obtained a medical marijuana card, but I haven’t been […]
September 16, 2010

What should we do with Marijuana clinic in California?

slew asked: California legalize medical marijuana. Its still illegal, but basically its a statement that California will not prosecute people who has medical reason to have […]
September 17, 2010

Inside a medical marijuana growing facility

hampapartiet asked: Inside a medical marijuana growing facility
September 18, 2010

Im growing medical marijuana, what happened to my plant?

Ray M asked: hopefully i dont get banned again for no reason…anyway, my plant just fell over all a sudden, not sure what i did wrong… […]
September 20, 2010

Outdoor Medical Marijuana growing

winx2u2 asked: One example of outdoor marijuana growing techinique
September 20, 2010

Does the city of Willits, CA have any ordinance against growing medical marijuana?

curious asked: So I know that some communities in California are attempting to slow down marijuana growth in their towns by creating city ordinances against it. […]
September 20, 2010

What medical conditions is medicinal marijuana prescribed for?

Professor Chaos386 asked: What are they, and is it possible to fake the symptoms?