
September 1, 2010

Marijuana bust

WTHITV10 asked: Marijuana bust
September 1, 2010

Why would anyone reject the idea of medicinal marijuana?

JoeyleeC. asked: So there’s a 9 year old boy with cancer. Every few months he has to go to the hospital to get chemo, afterwards he’s […]
September 1, 2010

blood test.marijuana.i dont know anything about it?

numberseven.withabullet asked: yeah so i was just hanging out with my friend [[who does drugs]] and like he was joking around and put a small amount […]
September 1, 2010

Police raid medical marijuana dispensary

KXLY asked: Police officers have executed a series of search warrants and arrested several people who are illegally selling marijuana out of a storefront at Maple […]
September 1, 2010

Who just killed the question on growing marijuana indoors?

RScott asked: Don’t you know some people need it for medical reasons? Plus it’s legal to grow in many places this forum serves. RScott
September 1, 2010

What does the number “22” have to do with drug references?

Mompoet asked: I’ve heard it associated with marijuana use and in some other jokes, and I was just curious…
September 1, 2010

can i use the seeds in my marijuana to grow?

James asked: yezirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! depending on where you are, it’s about that time if you are an outdoor cultivist.. personally i would NEVER do anything like that […]
September 2, 2010

What should I do if my neighbor’s growing marijuana?

jonathanbubbaclinton asked: I walked in the woods above my neighbor’s house and saw a field full of it. I left immediately. Should I contact the police? […]
September 2, 2010

Why is the FDA avoiding medicinal marijuana, it’s sold in pharmacies as a regular prescription?

Joe B asked: Insurance covers it like a regular prescription, but somehow it’s not a prescription? Any prescription medicine MUST be FDA approved, the FDA is […]
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