
February 14, 2015

Why Would You Do That?? – Birthday Cake Race

The content on this channel may contain strong language, adult themes and the use of medicinal cannabis and are recommended for a viewing age of 18+ […]
February 14, 2015


Medicinal marijuana is a rising topic of debate. Some people are for it, while others are against it. Spark one up (or don’t) while we talk […]
February 14, 2015

Suzanne Louisville Metro Council Testimony

Louisville KY resident, Suzanne, testifies before metro council regarding safe access to medical cannabis for patients across the state suffering from various illness.
February 14, 2015

Jeanette’s Louisville Metro Council Testimony

Louisville KY grandmother, Jeanette, testifies regarding her granddaughter’s struggle to find a better quality of life due to epilepsy.
February 14, 2015

Last ace of spades harvest

Day 70 of flower. Ohh and a bud growing off a leaf stem.
February 14, 2015

عصابات Documenting Most Violent Crimes

February 14, 2015

Slow Decent Into Madness…….

Θµ∩â-»â•”Θ∩ε is most likely Skittles that always backlash for frog’s milk. All known funds of progress stops where whales eat sandpaper with nails and chickens can […]
February 14, 2015

Tommy Guns and Cupcakes

Θµ∩â-»â•”Θ∩ε Brings out the machine gun build that we built back in Jun of 2013 see video link below ↔↔ Then tries out the Sara Lee […]
February 14, 2015


Soundrone Showcases NEW YORK CITY DIESEL Northern California Outdoor from the 2014 season Soundrone’s Premium Organic Hemp Wick Bee Lasso is now on AMAZON or…
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