
April 25, 2014


all viewers must 18 and up for this video. adult setting, language and activities. Live BF4 with Nay on Cam!
April 25, 2014

Oaxacan Gold – Cannabis Sativa (10 Weeks From Seed)[4/25/14]

The plants are doing really good, excellent in fact.
April 25, 2014

大麻は奇跡を呼ぶ!? 医療大麻 最前線 – Medical Marijuana in Japan

ごの動画の記事URL: アメリカでは迒年、「大麻はアルコールほど危険ではない」と公言ざたオバマ米大統…
April 25, 2014

Marijuana and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Clinical research on the impact of using medicinal marijuana to treat post traumatic stress disorder.
April 25, 2014

Day 11 Flower Amnesia + White Widow plus Nanner Alert!!

WELCOME to Herbin Farmer! Check out the #CannabisCupDenver Videos Day 1 and 2 https:// https:// Compliant under California…
April 26, 2014

The Walking Dead Season 2 Ep 2 – Who did you sit with at dinner? (POPULAR CHOICE) [4K 1080p HD]

Can we reach 2 Likes? (っ˘ڡ˘ς) So happy for TWO b゚ー゚)b â-» Can we reach 10 Comments? \( ゚ヮ゚)/ â-» Can we reach 1580 Subscribers?:
April 26, 2014

Cannabis University – Ebb and Flow – Assembly

Providing patients access to expert advice on all aspects of MMJ. This episode is over using ebb and flow.
April 26, 2014

Cannabis University – Ebb and Flow – Supplies

Providing patients access to expert advice on all aspects of MMJ. This episode is over using ebb and flow.
April 26, 2014


all viewers must 18 and up for this video. adult setting, language and activities. Live BF4 with Nay on Cam!
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