Medicinal Marijuana

Medicinal Marijuana

November 6, 2014

16 girls in one tub and 7 sisters – Medical Cannabis Grow

Hello to all… This is my second hydro grow i grew myself to help with pain i have from breaking 9 bones plus my nose in […]
November 6, 2014

El negocio de la marihuana en Colorado, EU

En el estado hay 400 tiendas que ofrecen tanto marihuana recreativa como medicinal.
November 6, 2014

Copy of 147.435 – The Bong Hit Net

Come join the gang on 435 as they conduct the official Bong Hit Net NOTE: This video contains FOUL Language and promotes the use of medicinal […]
November 6, 2014

Best Vaporizers for Marijuana

Best Vaporizers for Marijuana Try the icons or hit the right-arrow key to change engines… { } vaporizer vaporizer pen vaporizer e cig vaporizer reviews vaporizer […]
November 6, 2014


ALASKA YES ON MARIJUANA LEGALIZATION Try the icons or hit the right-arrow key to change engines… marijuana legalization marijuana laws in virginia marijuana laws marijuana legal […]
November 7, 2014

Oregon, Washington D.C. approve marijuana use

Voters in Oregon and Washington DC approved measures to allow marijuana use while a measure in Florida falls just short.
November 7, 2014

Alaska & Oregon Vote to Legalize Marijuana

Alaska and Oregon vote to legalize marijuana —On the Bonus Show: Ebola is spreading rapidly in Sierra Leone, A Navy…
November 7, 2014

Religiously Bipolar

November 7, 2014

Medical Marijuana March – Denver

Medical Marijuana March – Denver marijuana march 2014 marijuana march marijuana march fort worth marijuana march cleveland ohio marijuana march ft worth marijuana march milwaukee marijuana […]