Medicinal Marijuana

Medicinal Marijuana

May 13, 2013

Magnetoid Rowdys Comp Entry Take 2

yah mon, the title says it all, once again. Take it easy fellow earthlings! NAMASTE~
May 13, 2013

Eating Raw Marijuana / without the music.

The health benefits and some legal ramifications about eating raw cannabis for health and vitality.
May 13, 2013

Matrix Ballast, Smart Chip, Remote Control..

In this video Jason covers the new 1000w Matrix Digital Ballast. Jason breaks down the features of this high end ballast a…
May 13, 2013

Be The Change You Wish To See

just made this quick video to share a brief, but deep message with you all. See you soon! Namaste.
May 13, 2013

Alexandre Thomaz: maconha medicinal no tratamento da quimioterapia. CRIME? Salo de carvalho

VÍDEO COMPLETO NO CANAL LeapBrasilOficial: Vídeo: trecho extraído da palestra no Seminário “Drogas: dos perigos…
May 14, 2013

High Grade Weed VS Low Grade Weed! BO2: Vertigo TDM

OPEN DESCRIPTION—————-☆ Don’t be scammed! Drop a Like and a Comment! Girlfriends makeup channel:
May 14, 2013

MMA: The Stoned Fist: Nick Diaz vs BJ Penn 1

Nick Diaz is a certified Medical Cannabis patient with ADHD that was discriminated & penalized unjustly over the years for his use of Cannabis (marijuana) un…
May 14, 2013

Rick Simpson speaks to Freedom Central

Freedom Central is delighted to finally catch up with the legendary Rick Simpson, the man appointed by Jack Herera to head up the pro cannabis movement. […]
May 14, 2013

Legalización Cannabis España
