Alaska & Oregon Vote to Legalize Marijuana

Vape On The Lake MMAR Coalition against Repeal Fundraiser (September 2014)
November 7, 2014
Religiously Bipolar
November 7, 2014

Alaska and Oregon vote to legalize marijuana —On the Bonus Show: Ebola is spreading rapidly in Sierra Leone, A Navy…


  1. JD00720 says:

    Way to go Oregon also, I would have never though Alaska would be the next
    state to legalize marijuana. Rock on… AK.
    Shame about Florida, but we all know ‘who’ derailed that:… old
    conservative/teabag retires.

  2. Persuasive Barrier says:

    Go Alaska, it’s yer birtday… go Oregon, to its parteh.

  3. zero132132 says:

    Is Colorado actually progressive? I’ve heard this before, but living here,
    I haven’t really seen it. In my office, everyone is aggressively Christian,
    and they were all scared that Obama was a secret Muslim. The only place
    I’ve been to that seemed consistently liberal was Boulder.

    Does Colorado consistently vote in any specific direction? This state just
    elected a fair number of Republicans.

  4. hugh edwards says:

    We like to stay warm here

  5. Jerry Rojas Jr says:

    Damn it! Why can’t Texas legalize marijuana?

  6. CorruptedPersona says:

    Come on England, I know you’re puppets to the U.S, but why ain’t you
    following there lead on this situation? It’s a class B out of 3 classes A
    being the worst. I mean the same as amphetamines for Christ sake which is

  7. Swearing Ape says:

    Alaska & Oregon Vote to Legalize Marijuana

    Ahhhh! Good move America…If only it were as easy in Canada…we kinda
    have to be “All for 1, 1 for all.” (Except in Quebec) and a lot of
    influence comes from England. Hey, at least our law enforcment is smart &
    tolerant enough to not care if folks wanna get high on the rec and med

  8. Kazik Brunstein says:

    Afraid it isn’t till July 1, that it will be legal in Oregon. It will not
    be legal in 90 days.

  9. theygone says:

    you forgot DC

  10. Ultra80s says:

    Can’t think of a better way of breaking the ice than lighting up a joint…

  11. srgwarcock says:

    Talk about a blaze of victory!

  12. The Biological Father says:

    It’s not going to be any better than cigarettes since the majority isn’t
    going to use it for medicinal purposes. The government and companies will
    find a way to make more cash off it, people won’t care either because
    they’re too high to give a damn.

  13. Unyime Ekpoh says:

    It’s inevitable.

  14. Thomas Breyfogle says:

    That’s right. He forgot D.C. 

  15. theygone says:

    Oregon law does not go into eff until 1 of July 2015

  16. DUME85 | Road to 1000 Subs! says:

    can Houston break away from Texas so we can have weed here too?

  17. wackyfours says:

    Weed is so awsome you guys! If I ever become president I will promise a
    dime bag in every bowl. Mock my words. :)

  18. AMX-014 says:

    Pakman please. We all know drugs are bad for you.
