Pot Growing

September 8, 2010

Janesville Police: Officers Bust 2 Large Pot Growing

WiscTvChannel3000 asked: The Janesville Police Department said Thursday that officers uncovered two major indoor marijuana grow operations at Janesville homes this week. Jessica Arp reports
September 10, 2010

Police Helicopter Spots Pot Growing On Ohio River Island

wtaetv asked: Aug. 15, 2007: Pittsburgh police officers discovered Wednesday marijuana plants growing on Brunot’s Island, a 129-acre island in the Ohio River in Pittsburgh’s West […]
September 21, 2010

What happens if the cops in Houston Texas tx find one marijuana pot plant growing in your backyard?

b down asked: I don’t live in Houston, just asking. What is the charge? Is it a misdemeanor or felony? How much will it cost you?
September 21, 2010

Harvesting Marijuana – (time laps).

jmurp70 asked: This is how I harvest my white widow weed crop….. Watch the whole process of harvesting & hanging marijuana from start to finish through […]
September 22, 2010

Do you believe Barney Frank when he says he had no idea his lover was growing marijuana?

John asked: He was there when his lover was arrested. Is Barney lying or is he really an idiot that didn’t notice a pot growing operation […]
September 23, 2010

Do you believe Barney Frank when he says he had no idea his lover was growing marijuana?

John asked: He was there when his lover was arrested. Is Barney lying or is he really an idiot that didn’t notice a pot growing operation […]
September 27, 2010

wild pot grass reefer bud marijuana growing next to highway in iowa on Sept 18 2009 growing wild

bradhavingfun asked: Stopped to fix a flat tire and lo and behold, what should I spy? I pot plant with some sweet looking little buds on […]