
May 9, 2012

Medi-Bud Strain Marijuana Grow Room–2000w Hydro Veg Room

The MEDIBUD are 10 days out of the clone tray. The mother plants i speak of and you see in the video are “Tutankhamon” from the […]
May 9, 2012

Another Beautiful Grow From Cyco Nutrients

This is a beautiful start of a medical marijuana grow. The nutrients that are used are Cyco Nutrients, and the growing media is a mix of […]
May 9, 2012

MarijuanaAprendendo a fazer clones.MOV

Fazendo Clones de Marijuana Medicinal
May 11, 2012

Brain Salad Surgery.m4v

Luke, after a temporal lobectomy (really good weed) nah he really had that and….his marksman ship became awesome….support (medicinal) marijuana use!
May 11, 2012

Feds force the severely ill to the street.

Thousands of severely ill patients in California are being denied access to care, and thrown to the street with no alternative. My name is Mary Elizabeth […]
May 11, 2012

Marijuana: Aprendendo a fazer clones

Fazendo Clones de Marijuana Medicinal
May 11, 2012

Outdoor OG Kush Blue Dream

Our outdoor operation that we started on 4/20 of this year, we plan to harvest in October . Legal marijuana grow. Blue dream Kim OG OG […]
May 12, 2012

grow update room change 2

May 12, 2012

Legal mmj grow room

It’s funny because these were just meant to keep for a bit just until we could replant,well they did so good we decided to see what […]