Medicinal Marijuana

Medicinal Marijuana

April 22, 2014

T.N.T “I Get High” Smoker’s Anthem!

Off Time 2 Set Up Shop Part 2.. Comin’ Soon!! TIME 2 SET UP SHOP PART 1– LOVE VS SEX:…
April 22, 2014

【予告】大麻は奇跡を呼ぶ!? 医療大麻 最前線 – Medicinal Marijuana in Japan (Trailer)

ごれまで大麻の主成分とざて認知されていたのは精神面に影響を与えるとされる「THC」(テトラヒドロカンナピノール)だが、迒年注目を集め始めたのが別の成分「CBD」(カンナピジオール)だ。「CBD」は「THC」と異なり、精神を活性åŒ-させる効果(いわゆる〝ハイ〟)が一切なく、医療分野での活躍が期待されている。 斥本の厳…
April 23, 2014

(Actor) Todd Holland Owner/ Partner of TH Custom Promos Interviews on Callywood In The Morning!

(Actor) Todd Holland Owner/ Partner of TH Custom Promos came up in Callywood Independent Radio Station in Denver, CO to Interview on Callywood In The Morning!
April 23, 2014

Scrogging, Monster Cropping and Lolly Popping.

Ultimate growing techniques for optimum yields. Monster Cropping and scrogging a sea of green.
April 23, 2014

NH Senate Committee Determines Bureaucracy More Important than Pain Management — Again

NH Senate Health & Human “Services” Committee’s Executive Session on HB1622, “permitting qualifying patients and registered caregivers to cultivate cannabis …
April 23, 2014

420 in SF

4/20/14 It was mostly just in a car because San Francisco parking is a bitch. Hippie Hill was packed. We did however, accomplish our mission, which […]
April 23, 2014

【予告】大麻は奇跡を呼ぶ!? 医療大麻 最前線 – Medicinal Marijuana in Japan (Trailer)

ごれまで大麻の主成分とざて認知されていたのは精神面に影響を与えるとされる「THC」(テトラヒドロカンナピノール)だが、迒年注目を集め始めたのが別の成分「CBD」(カンナピジオール)だ。「CBD」は「THC」と異なり、精神を活性åŒ-させる効果(いわゆる〝ハイ〟)が一切なく、医療分野での活躍が期待されている。 斥本の厳…
April 24, 2014

420 Vancouver – 2014

420 event in Vancouver had a huge turn out of around 30000 this year . had a great time sell vapes to everyone !
April 24, 2014

Nashville Flipside Presents MD & Cobalt Blue @ TN NORML 420 MarleyFest

Nashville Flipside Presents MD & Cobalt Blue for TN NORML 420 MarleyFest LIVE from 12th & Porter Nashville.