
May 16, 2012

Cancer can be CURED by Cannabis use (Marijuana) HERE IS PROOF

Marijuana is illegal because Pharmaceutical Companies cant make a profit off of a naturally grown substance. Marijuana is medicine and Pharmaceutical Companies dont want people growing […]
May 28, 2012

Penn’s Obama Rant (MIRROR) (#LEGALISECANNABISUK) – Sign the e-petition to Legalize cannabis in the UK. Post the petition on facebook and twitter. Tell your friends. Make videos. Get the message […]
June 20, 2012


The best outdoor marijuana content on the Net
June 21, 2012


How to grow the best outdoor medical marijuana in the world
June 24, 2012

Out Planting Medical Marijuana: Lesson1

How to plant and grow the best outdoor medical marijuana in the world, from genetics to curing.