
September 25, 2010

Marijuana Drug Bust in Oakland California Political News

PortugeeStud69 asked: Marijuana Drug Bust in Oakland California Political News – Nothing to with Larry Craig or Comedy or Borat, nor is it funny; it’s serious […]
September 29, 2010

Jokes to Make You Laugh?

bowlercomedy asked: Hey, I am starting out as an Eighteen Year Old Male in the world of Comedy. A lot of my jokes are not funny […]
February 4, 2011

Ganja herb smoking comedy show Ep26Pt1

Ganja herb smoking comedy show. This part has a stoner movie review of Surfer Dude, a funny clip with spiders high on drugs and a marijuana […]
May 17, 2011

Max Goldberg tells marijuana jokes.

I normally just post 30-60 second bits, but I like this five minute collection. Thanks, drugs!
May 17, 2011

The High Price of Medical Marijuana

Comedian Darryl Fryer jokes about the High cost of Medical Marijuana.
May 17, 2011

Marijuana Brownie Pot Recipe Ganjalicious 420 Kind Weed Cookbook

Weed Medicinal Medical Effects Brownies Ganjalicious Cannabis Art Book Ganjalicious: A Higher Level of Food contains 56 recipes, boasting menus from Indian to Italian, Wake and […]
May 17, 2011

Humorous stoners comedy show Ep45Part2

Humorous stoners comedy show featuring weed jokes with Robin Williams, marijuana medical information and some amazing tattoos.
May 18, 2011

Leo! Does Stand-Up: May 4th, 2010 at Othello’s Norman, OK

May 04, 2010@Othello’s I didn’t realize how drunk I was until I got up on stage. So I ended up stumbling on a few sentences, but […]
May 18, 2011

Marijuana bud smoking comedy show Ep19Pt1of3

Marijuana bud smoking comedy show. This part has a lesson about being perfect, then some celebrities on weed with a Brad Pitt quote, then some pot […]