Medicinal Marijuana

Medicinal Marijuana

December 3, 2013

Planta de marijuana Afghan 2 saptamani seminte marijuana www femaleseedsbank com

Vindem seminte de cannabis la cele mai mici preturi din Romania, avem o experienta de peste 4 ani in acest domeniu ne gasiti la adresa web […]
December 3, 2013

Beneath the Surface: DuPont™ Corian® in Healthcare

Title: Beneath the Surface Dwell explores the use of Corian® in the healthcare sector in this video. Speaking to medical professionals and children’s…
December 4, 2013

Nursery update! ( OG, PurpleLights, GSC, StrawBerryDiesel)

STONED, but tried to make a video for you guys! Could barely talk and dragging my words but here it is haha. Just a small update […]
December 4, 2013

Cowboy Extracts Errl Wax Dabs! 10″ HVY Tube w/ custom gridded downstem [HD 1080/HQ Sound]

December 5, 2013

Magic Mushrooms Cured My Depression

PLEASE NOTE*** Psychedelic drugs can be very dangerous, and I am in no way advocating their use. Nor am I claiming that psychedelics actually cure anything. […]
December 6, 2013

Will Rap 4 Weed: A Documentary Portrait

For the past 4 years, Yvette “Lyris” Gbalazeh has lived out of her car and protested through street performance, aiming to desensitize the public to the […]
December 6, 2013

Super Cropping, Topping, Fiming, Lolly Popping and Monster cropping.

Growing techniques for optimum yields.
December 9, 2013

Getting stoney without my bong/first video/stoner ramblings

December 9, 2013

Phanatical God is a Fake Break
