
May 14, 2013

Update# 5 : AK-49 and Chernobyl and Dairy Queen hybrid crossed with Cinderella

Day 60 on my two Mothers. Day 34 on my other plants.
May 14, 2013

Blue Dream/Auto-Sweet Tooth/Auto-Blueberry Beginner Grow

Blue Dream (2 weeks into flowering) Auto-Sweet Tooth (5 weeks into flowering) Auto-BlueBerry (5 weeks into flowering) Thanks for watching!
May 14, 2013

KBB: Ep: XVII – Smarts v Plastic Post Final

Almost done with the challenge!
May 14, 2013

GrowBlu 500W LED Grow – Girl Scout Cookies & Frog Fart – Day 9 Flower

This is an 18+ channel dealing with the legal use of medicinal cannabis. Day 9 flower update from the GrowBlu tent Music provided by JAY.P –
May 14, 2013

RADIANT LED L4A Series 10 Grow – Girl Scout Cookies | Fire OG | Dawg Poo – Day 9 Flower

This is an 18+ channel dealing with the legal use of medicinal cannabis. Day 9 of flowering update! Music provided by JAY.P –
May 14, 2013

High Grade Weed VS Low Grade Weed! BO2: Vertigo TDM

OPEN DESCRIPTION—————-☆ Don’t be scammed! Drop a Like and a Comment! Girlfriends makeup channel:
May 14, 2013

MMA: The Stoned Fist: Nick Diaz vs BJ Penn 1

Nick Diaz is a certified Medical Cannabis patient with ADHD that was discriminated & penalized unjustly over the years for his use of Cannabis (marijuana) un…
May 14, 2013

Rick Simpson speaks to Freedom Central

Freedom Central is delighted to finally catch up with the legendary Rick Simpson, the man appointed by Jack Herera to head up the pro cannabis movement. […]
May 14, 2013

Republican Bargaining [003] ‘Gay Marriage for Oil Drilling’ – Mike Goodpaster’s “Unpaid Programming”

[RATE| REVIEW| SHARE] [THIS VIDEO] REPUBLICAN BARGAINING CAMPAIGN 003 ‘Gay Marriage for Oil Drilling’ McClain Goodman is a notoriously unsuccessful Republica…
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