Ants in his ass thorns in his hands the things soundrone will do to get a good vlog !! Soundrone’s Premium Organic Hemp Wick Bee Lasso is now on AMAZON or at Boro…
#sounddronegiveaway have right now an not-so-nice epididymitis. still
watchin ya videos with ice on my balls and a nice magic glass bong, armed
and loaded. greets from krautland! hail scooter!
So this new kid comes to class today who happens to be a double amputee. We
got partnered up and come to find out he smokes weed. I’m like “sick bro,
let’s kick it sometime” & he says “I would if I could” and looks down. I’m
a dick. #soundronegiveaway
Maybe there was son generators around or something.. yea sound no RF this
time!!!.. even if there was I still would have watched it.. ohhh and
subnautica is badass I got it the other day
WOO Again Soundrone You Are The Man I Can Always Get My Daily Dose Of
Laughter From You Also Thought Id Share This With You I Just Realized
That My Sink Is Full Of Dishes Because I Wash My Glass Pieces Instead XD
Keep It Going Sound You Rock Stay Lifted My Friend!. #WHONEEDSDISHES
Hey sound i own a smoke shop here in Atlanta,GA i just got in the PAX 2
which are fucking awesome, would you mind if i sent one your way to review
and maybe throw some free advertisement “shoutout” my way perhaps? Stay
smoky sound! PEACE DA FUCK OUT!!! #soundronegiveaway
Hey man I like ur go pro videos but if u just a had normal like digital
camera it would probably be better.
I have a nice digital camera, it’s 10 megapixels, it uses battery but it
will do job and maybe better than the go pro…… I also have a small
tripod for it and the legs bend so u could bend it on to than handlebars of
ur scooter!
– Maybe we could do a trade lol, still huge fan love ur content take care
Good thing you weren’t wearing house pants sound. Ants are a bitch to get
out of house pants…..dont ask how I know…. Chooch it sound.
You know why people who smoke alot are called stoners? Well heres a little
story, the term stoner comes from the prehistoric age. Neanderthals use to
get bored and would take rocks and take turns hitting eachother over the
head (not to hard,not to soft) with just enough force to cause slight
euphoria and a minor concussion. You may be thinking “this is some
bullshit” but heres the science behind it when you would get hit with a
rock your brain releases endorphins and adrenaline through the sephoral
glands in your head and therefore reacting with the irolophnia and creating
a mild high. After time they would do this over and over again (everyday if
you were a “stoner”), well heres the problem they would eventually become
useless to their society and go into somewhat of a vegtable state.So thats
where the social stigma comes in play because when they discovered
marijuana they smoked it all day everday (they of course said it was to
practice their newly discovered fire making skill) and society thought of
them in the same way they used to think of the stoners,useless. So society
decided to just call the people who smoked all day everyday stoners. The
social stigma is still around today and us stoners need to show that we
arent useless! ….Right after we smoke this bowl…..
P.S. this was all bullshit, (probaly some made up words thrown in there
Hey man lovin the scooter vlogs lol but yea ummm i got nuttin funny to say
i can only do that when im off my ass high af but sense u said any of ur
vids ima post the hashtag on everyone almost everyone lol
A man and a giraffe walk into a bar together, they order their drinks and
down them one after another.
After a while, they both get wasted. The giraffe passes out and falls on
the floor,
The man starts to head out the door as the bartender “‘You can’t leave that
lying there!”
The man replies “That’s not a lion, its a giraffe!” and walks out.
Q: Why is the roach clip called a roach clip?
A: Because pot holder was taken
Q: What is the difference between a drunk and a stoner at a stop sign?
A: The drunk guy runs it and the stoner waits for it to turn green!
#SoundDroneGiveAway #ScooterVlog. This reminded me of what I do while I’m
at work…I work for the park district. I always scare people who are token
up when I drive up in my park truck. Haha. Love the outdoors and the
scooter vlogs!
#soundronegiveaway This is my all time favorite story. It’s a bit
paraphrased to keep the comment short:
A DEA officer comes to a farmer, and tells him he needs to investigate his
fields for illegal drugs. The farmer responds “Sure, just don’t go into
that field over there…” The DEA officer exploded saying “Mister, I have
the authority of the Federal Government with me!” Reaching into his rear
pants pocket, the arrogant officer removed his badge and proudly displayed
it to the rancher. “See this fucking badge?! This badge means I am allowed
to go wherever I wish…. On any land !!” and so the farmer apologizes, and
the officer leaves to investigate. Soon after the farmer hears some noise
outside, and comes out to see the officer being chased by an angry bull,
and the bull is gaining on him. The farmer drops everything and runs out,
yelling at the top of his lungs “Your badge, show him your fucking BADGE!”
I would do anything for that.
This story shall be funny and rather intriguing.
Hua hua hua (rich guy laugh)
This one time when my friend and I were driving down the road, we were
smoking a joint.
We got pulled over for one of my brake lights being out.
I just sat the joint in the ashtray and waited for the cop to come up to my
So he gets up to the car and as soon as I rolled down the window, the
officer goes “Phew, you’re smoking some smelly ass weed”
And then he saw the joint in the ashtray, he said “Mind if I hit that?”
So of course I let him.
It was literally the funniest thing that has ever happened to me and he
just let us off with a warning.
So there is my amazing story and I hope you consider my comment :)
Dunno if you said it, but what kind of scooter do you have?
Why do pirates take so long to learn the Alphabet?
They spend years at C!
#sounddronegiveaway have right now an not-so-nice epididymitis. still
watchin ya videos with ice on my balls and a nice magic glass bong, armed
and loaded. greets from krautland! hail scooter!
Gotta keep an eye out for those Aunt and Uncle hills bro!
Have you had crispy M&M’s? Recommendendended for sure
Scooter vlogs are the shit! always enjoying the outdoors, check out some of
our adventures sometimes! Peace and One Love
Loving these scooter vlogs dude. keep em comin man your hilarious!!
“Random stoner has landing..or took off…i don’t remember anything..i
swear! High adjustment successfully adjusted!
FUCK! Ive never used a hash tag in my life. #SoundroneGiveaway
Forget Klondike bars. What would I doOoO. For a wizard puff? Just about
anything. Haha
Dude have you ever thought… Oh, I forgot. I’ll let you know if I
remember. #sounddronregiveaway
I used to have virgin mobile but i switched because i wasnt getting any
So this new kid comes to class today who happens to be a double amputee. We
got partnered up and come to find out he smokes weed. I’m like “sick bro,
let’s kick it sometime” & he says “I would if I could” and looks down. I’m
a dick. #soundronegiveaway
#SoundroneGiveaway #SoundBongHousePants
Maybe there was son generators around or something.. yea sound no RF this
time!!!.. even if there was I still would have watched it.. ohhh and
subnautica is badass I got it the other day
#soundronegiveaway the man who smokes that stuff with the funny smell to it
6:13-“i might be a little stoned” hahahhaha #SoundroneGiveaway
Q: What do you call a potato that smokes weed?
A: A baked potato
#Sounddronegiveaway why do squirrels swim on there back? To keep there nuts
WOO Again Soundrone You Are The Man I Can Always Get My Daily Dose Of
Also Thought Id Share This With You I Just Realized
Laughter From You
That My Sink Is Full Of Dishes Because I Wash My Glass Pieces Instead XD
Keep It Going Sound You Rock Stay Lifted My Friend!. #WHONEEDSDISHES
#soundronegiveaway Dang it, dang it, gotta get a rope to hang it…..high
from the tallest bong…soundrone won’t you wait for me!
Smoke some hash out of a Tag bong and that’s totally (Hash+Tag) = 7
dude illuminati. ….
im high, we all high didnt see the vid yet but #soundronegiveaway
is a vape high different from a joint high?
Yo man you prolly screwed all them ants up getting em high on that Cali
bud. Hahah imagine ants puffin on tiny blunts
#sounddronegiveaway. Here’s to the guy who looked at weed and was like.
“Hey I wonder is we can smoke this shit”
hahha soon as you said that guy goes by on a bike
Hey sound i own a smoke shop here in Atlanta,GA i just got in the PAX 2
which are fucking awesome, would you mind if i sent one your way to review
and maybe throw some free advertisement “shoutout” my way perhaps? Stay
smoky sound! PEACE DA FUCK OUT!!! #soundronegiveaway
How do you know you are a true stoner?When your bong gets washed more than
your dishes!
When are you going to post more subnautica videos? I really liked the
previous ones. Keep it going!!!
Hey man I like ur go pro videos but if u just a had normal like digital
camera it would probably be better.
I have a nice digital camera, it’s 10 megapixels, it uses battery but it
will do job and maybe better than the go pro…… I also have a small
tripod for it and the legs bend so u could bend it on to than handlebars of
ur scooter!
– Maybe we could do a trade lol, still huge fan love ur content take care
Good thing you weren’t wearing house pants sound. Ants are a bitch to get
out of house pants…..dont ask how I know…. Chooch it sound.
You have ants in your pants!
#soundronegiveaway. everyone is doing jokes so why not me as well. so how
do you get a crackhead out of a tree? throw a rock at him
You know why people who smoke alot are called stoners? Well heres a little
story, the term stoner comes from the prehistoric age. Neanderthals use to
get bored and would take rocks and take turns hitting eachother over the
head (not to hard,not to soft) with just enough force to cause slight
euphoria and a minor concussion. You may be thinking “this is some
bullshit” but heres the science behind it when you would get hit with a
rock your brain releases endorphins and adrenaline through the sephoral
glands in your head and therefore reacting with the irolophnia and creating
a mild high. After time they would do this over and over again (everyday if
you were a “stoner”), well heres the problem they would eventually become
useless to their society and go into somewhat of a vegtable state.So thats
where the social stigma comes in play because when they discovered
marijuana they smoked it all day everday (they of course said it was to
practice their newly discovered fire making skill) and society thought of
them in the same way they used to think of the stoners,useless. So society
decided to just call the people who smoked all day everyday stoners. The
social stigma is still around today and us stoners need to show that we
arent useless! ….Right after we smoke this bowl…..
P.S. this was all bullshit, (probaly some made up words thrown in there
Ants. It’s Spring. It get’s buggy in spring. I have had to smoke pot threw
a bugnet before on a Spring time camping trip xD
I really love the scooter vlogs man don’t quit making them!
Hey man lovin the scooter vlogs lol but yea ummm i got nuttin funny to say
i can only do that when im off my ass high af but sense u said any of ur
vids ima post the hashtag on everyone almost everyone lol
Hey, I’m a random person! #Soundronegiveaway
A man and a giraffe walk into a bar together, they order their drinks and
down them one after another.
After a while, they both get wasted. The giraffe passes out and falls on
the floor,
The man starts to head out the door as the bartender “‘You can’t leave that
lying there!”
The man replies “That’s not a lion, its a giraffe!” and walks out.
Q: Why is the roach clip called a roach clip?
A: Because pot holder was taken
Q: What is the difference between a drunk and a stoner at a stop sign?
A: The drunk guy runs it and the stoner waits for it to turn green!
What do you prefer, smoking in bong or vaporizer? what is the diference in
the smoke?
#Soundronegiveaway How many Stoners does it take to change a light bulb?
Screw it, we got lighters.
#SoundDroneGiveAway #ScooterVlog. This reminded me of what I do while I’m
at work…I work for the park district. I always scare people who are token
up when I drive up in my park truck. Haha. Love the outdoors and the
scooter vlogs!
The Pot Paradox: An empty bowl needs to be filled, a full bowl needs to be
Great video man..cheers!
#soundronegiveaway This is my all time favorite story. It’s a bit
paraphrased to keep the comment short:
A DEA officer comes to a farmer, and tells him he needs to investigate his
fields for illegal drugs. The farmer responds “Sure, just don’t go into
that field over there…” The DEA officer exploded saying “Mister, I have
the authority of the Federal Government with me!” Reaching into his rear
pants pocket, the arrogant officer removed his badge and proudly displayed
it to the rancher. “See this fucking badge?! This badge means I am allowed
to go wherever I wish…. On any land !!” and so the farmer apologizes, and
the officer leaves to investigate. Soon after the farmer hears some noise
outside, and comes out to see the officer being chased by an angry bull,
and the bull is gaining on him. The farmer drops everything and runs out,
yelling at the top of his lungs “Your badge, show him your fucking BADGE!”
Credit to r/trees
Ok so my girlfriend said this one after successfully administering
“Do you know what LSD stands for???
Lord of the rings”
I would do anything for that.
This story shall be funny and rather intriguing.
Hua hua hua (rich guy laugh)
This one time when my friend and I were driving down the road, we were
smoking a joint.
We got pulled over for one of my brake lights being out.
I just sat the joint in the ashtray and waited for the cop to come up to my
So he gets up to the car and as soon as I rolled down the window, the
officer goes “Phew, you’re smoking some smelly ass weed”
And then he saw the joint in the ashtray, he said “Mind if I hit that?”
So of course I let him.
It was literally the funniest thing that has ever happened to me and he
just let us off with a warning.
So there is my amazing story and I hope you consider my comment :)
#soundronegiveaway you rule sound if i win this giveaway i will literally
drown myself in biscoff cookie spread!!!
”Maybe there gonna have sex in the park?” lmfao great video thanks for
the laughs
weighing the odds. ants in your pants, sun glare, or smoke a bowl lol
#soundronegiveaway in the vines, in the vines….were the sun always
shines….and there are NO ants in yer paaaaaants…