Weedventures – Denver 4/20 High Times Part 1

Cfl Grow Box 1100 watt equivaleng #3
May 8, 2013
Tonights BHO Run
May 8, 2013

Weedventures - Denver 4/20 High Times Part 1 – News May 7th, 2013 – Please like and comment this video if you enjoy the view and support Cannabis culture worldwide! Since the legaliz…


  1. Nikko Tadaya says:

    11:10 magweedo yay ha

  2. buttaman8302 says:

    wow….*commotion….that was a bad one, man.

  3. Victor Vallejo says:

    I want your job so bad

  4. InfeDeci says:

    Who the fuck would do a shooting at the first legal for 420? We preach the peace of what this plant can do. But it only takes one dickhead to fuck shit up.

  5. chocolatewheelchair says:

    Thanks man.

  6. bigfish454m says:

    I like your stuff dude!!!

  7. Walter Mitchell says:

    rap has nothing to fucking do with violence in this case. they were ganna shoot even if there wasn’t a rap performance. weed has just as much chance of being the reason for shooting as rap. weed is worth money so you shoot someone to take there shit music isn’t doing anything in this case just cause a rapper was performing at the time of the shooing.pretty much every high times event has rap performers and they all have free dabs and girls in bikinis. there were no shootings at the outher events

  8. StopFear says:

    lol, is Luke 15 years old? Is he old enough to smoke?

  9. buttaman8302 says:

    is mango code for acid? lol

  10. ugk26 says:

    Love your avatar by the way….I agree rap has undertones, if not completely blatant tones of violence. Let me ask you this though…you think the shooter came to see lil flip and got geeked up or whatever and fired a gun? Or do you think he came for the cup? I am asking because I truly believe the shooter would have been there regardless to consume cannabis. This is all speculation but i’m trying to think would someone go just for lil flip? I would think that wasnt the main goal here.

  11. ugk26 says:

    Wow, we make all these strides in getting cannabis mainstreamed, we have our first US cannabis cup and someone fires a gun off in a crowd. That’s gonna make us all look like calm and sane individuals.

  12. boobookachu100 says:

    The guy who has 9 thumbs up is a queer I don’t care for lil flip but don’t blame rap artists for a shooting its the faggot who brought the gun


    faggot ass gangbang ers

  14. Doran Mauldin says:

    His name is not “this guy”. It is Magweedo.

  15. christian4672 says:

    You can’t blame the music or the bud for the ignorance and stupidity of some people

  16. Nikko Tadaya says:

    i bet whoever caused such a cumoshion is the ones who thumbed down this vid

  17. louevil555 says:

    i cant believe you ghetto motherfucking idiots shot up a weed party. get a life.

  18. AndrewArgonaut says:

    Although I don’t like Flip all that much, he didn’t have anything to do with the shooting. He even spoke out against it. Please read some news articles before you make false accusations.

  19. flight4twenty3 says:

    Flight420 weed wear

    youtube: weedtees

  20. Comander555666 says:

    What happened in the end? I don’t get it,but if 50.000 Stoners get paranoid at the same time it’s a real chaos

  21. skill mulah says:

    good news for you bro, florida will not be the last to legalize! florida wants it recreationally legal to collect the $ but they don’t even care about the medical. but hey, im cool with that. 🙂

  22. emersnake2 says:

    al final no me entere que paso ??? llego la policiaa ?? o algunos la liaron ? ..

  23. Rou827 says:

    People don’t know how to inhale the snoke (dummies) people shooting up the place (dummies)

  24. amonte714 says:

    Dumb ass gangsters can’t leave their shit in their hoods. You should have picked up a bong and take a hit with the homies, instead you picked up a gun and now you on the run from the police. Weed is peace.

  25. bigfish454m says:


  26. bombgroove80 says:

    slappa da bass

  27. coolman949 says:

    I spot Snooki @ 15:20 lol

  28. chocolatewheelchair says:

    Thanks man. I believe the shooter (and I’m not racist) came to the event because they had hip-hop performers, weed and girls in bikinis giving free dab hits. I think rap music effects people’s mindsets: I do not believe cannabis consumption influenced the violence. I think it was rap + crowd = violence. As they say; The larger the crowd the smaller the collective IQ. Anyway, I think he came for the weed and rap. I highly highly doubt the shooter is an educated cannabis patient.

  29. chocolatewheelchair says:

    All I have to say is; what are you talking about? I never said Lil’ Flip had anything to do with the shooting. I said it happened during his performance. Rap music is a culture demanding respect, like jail. It has an undertone of violence. Don’t play yourself and deny it. I’m not saying cannabis events like this should be hippy jam band fests; but it looks like frickin’ Lalapolooza. I think cannabis is far more interesting than these events present it to be.

  30. Nick Proffer says:

    Great Weekend! See you all again for the 710 cup!

  31. hugedabslol says:

    lol his voice was def an alto

  32. TrueLoveAmber3 says:

    “Look at that cloud of freedom!” Hell yes

  33. youngboyontheuni says:

    I agree 100% with that man.

  34. Wode Mayne says:

    Gil! you are the man! thank you for showing the truth

  35. MusicUnicornMedia says:

    Exactly, there no reason why Cannabis needs to be mixed with progressivism and Hollywood, etc. It should stand alone on its sme merits, as it is THE safest drug known to manind with more benefits than any otherswithout bad side-effects. It’s about time that the “conservative” end of the spectrum accept decriminalization of Cannabis. Freedom means God, Guns, Life, and,Cannabis; this is mere logic. Progressivism and Socialism are not so accepting of these things eventually…

  36. AZZAHMAN says:

    Has Luke hit puberty?

  37. SentByG0d says:

    The people in this industry are not your friends and you best believe you will see more shit like this in the future. They are mixing cannabis with that culture on purpose. This could all be easily avoided but it looks like they are trying to attract that crowd for underlying political reasons. I’m not a fan of it and can see more regulations coming soon because of it.

  38. Ori Hart says:

    whats that wiz song playing at the very end?

  39. phillyphan24 says:

    i spotted him as well :p

  40. chocolatewheelchair says:

    I agree.

  41. chocolatewheelchair says:

    I would NEVER blame the bud. I’ve listened to rap and hip-hip for 20 years and I’m telling you as a fact; Its a culture of violence, materialism, sexism and respect driven posturing.

  42. Norman Bates says:

    its not gonna happen man, thats why im driving my ass to colorado when i get a few bucks saved up

  43. Kenn abis says:

    that cock sucking piece of shit gunman should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. That shit borders terrorism. im glad the police were there and got that fuckin scum bag

  44. SSSScientist says:

    Luke we need to see more of him!

  45. chocolatewheelchair says:

    I dig what you’re saying; however – The problem is that the type of rapper LIl’ Flip is. I am very familiar with hip-hop. I know what I’m talking about. The type of people who come out to see Lil’ Flip are – as you said yourself – the type that might run up on you and try to rob and pillage. I highly highly doubt this would have happen if it wasn’t a performer that sells sex, violence, respect and getting money. Also, one thing to note is Lil’ Flip was involved in a shooting with T.I in 2001. 

  46. Nick Kitograd says:

    Yew repin Orlando

  47. phillyphan24 says:

    I paused the video so I could hit my bowl while the crowd counted down haha my lame ass

  48. BarrackObody says:

    those mason jar pipes are fat as fuck

  49. peter stephen says:

    Your so awsome Gil. It’s not even funny
