Tonights BHO Run

Weedventures – Denver 4/20 High Times Part 1
May 8, 2013
@TheRealKoolDude – 100Racks
May 8, 2013

Tonights BHO RunRunning Double Strawberry & Peyote Purple mix BHO. Going to be making honeycomb out of it.


  1. CustomGrow420 says:

    I know I know. Much respect Bro been Subbed to you for a while.. Same team! Glob it up

  2. devilboykillz says:

    nice.. should of showed final product… so do u like that stuff better than just weed? and is the led grown stuff diff then the reg grown stuff when u make it into stuff like that…

  3. oneshotgrow says:

    In the meantime, something that will help a lot and help better regulate the temps of the griddle is a baking tile. Pick one up that will fit your griddle and let it heat up to desired temp and purge your oil on that. Once I started doing it that way, such better results. Also, have you a laser thermometer?

  4. NicolasNugs says:

    Mmmm looks good. Sounds delicious

  5. oneshotgrow says:

    Thanks, initial sample results are in and tallied…..tasty confirmed.

  6. oneshotgrow says:

    Last chance for raffle tickets is this Friday. Drawing is next week (to allow shipping of last orders to arrive). I am going to be doing a video on it tomorrow or thursday.

  7. inked420js says:

    Looks yummy bro. Do you have to vac purge bho? Just wondered cuz if so I gotta get a vac purge

  8. oneshotgrow says:

    Nice! Yep, once you get to use the Elements, you kinda get spoiled huh lol

  9. FatBoyChowder Chowder says:

    cool already ordered one of each of your papers but really like the elements

  10. FatBoyChowder Chowder says:

    when are you going to do the raffle because feel like ordering a other pack of element papers

  11. oneshotgrow says:

    Thanks! I just checked yours out and subbed. Looking good on that run. You need to get yourself a vac pump & chamber homie 🙂

  12. CustomGrow420 says:

    Beautiful color. Did a run tonite too check it out. Thumbs ^

  13. Humboldt710 says:

    Looks tasty!
