Pot and Shrooms Being Outlawed Is C&NS*RING SCIENCE!

When do I top my plants?
June 13, 2013
Copy of Low Cannabis Doses can stop the progress of Brain Damage
June 13, 2013

Pot and Shrooms Being Outlawed Is C&NS*RING SCIENCE!CENSORSHIP! Everybody, run! Seriously though, some researchers are saying that outlawing drugs in medical situations is the equivalent of the Catholic church censoring C*pernicus. SOURCEFED…


  1. iszak oneill says:

    I love how sourcefed is actually honest about the politics

  2. Chris Hanson says:

    Don’t you just love hypocritical Catholics? Asking for proof of theory, when they offer none for their own.

  3. monkeyfist59 says:

    Yeah nothing else just Obama.. Damn you Obama!

  4. XpEAnUTBuTtERsUckSX says:

    Might get around to it tomorrow, gonna go pick up a bigmac and watch the game tonight.

  5. Chuggles8 says:

    @1:28 black line shows up and I get scared

  6. Cole Sugden says:

    … weed is legal in Washington state not Washington D.C.
    so really there’s no excuse for this bullshit anymore

  7. IronAnimation says:

    science is cool and all but can we stop applying “attacks” to abstract concepts..after terror,drugs,evil and greed I’m starting to think that mindsight is inherently flawed

  8. proteuseffects says:

    Our government sucks so much because we’ve allowed it and it will continue to suck ( not in a good way) until we tell them we’ve had enough

  9. Evan Xexex says:

    I don’t think that the government HAS been sucking that much lately. I mean yes there is the still-lingering problem of lawmakers continuing to forget that lawmaking is in their job description, but that’s been going on for a while now. Nothing new lately.

  10. Megan Kelly says:

    Said Heisenberg

  11. rageboyRM says:

    Just a couple more months…..

  12. denton908 says:

    For realz. Magic mushrooms are the secret to evolution. Outlawing them is ridiculous. Evidence shows that they may have already been instrumental in our evolution.

  13. nemothefish80 says:

    Elliot is so smart ^.^

  14. asgard66669 says:

    You should see the videos from Diablo III or any other game/movie with unnecessary censorship. They are hilarious.

  15. TheTidobanditto says:

    absolutely it is our fault. unfortunately, A vast majority of US citizens have allowed themselves to become oblivious to anything and everything politics. anytime the subject comes up them shy away and plug their ears because they “don’t care”. but then go and vote for a faceless nameless politician to “represent them”. Sadly the people that are in office have been allowed to stay their comfortably and do nothing but line their and their corporate friends’ pockets.

  16. MariEbyKris says:

    Its always sucked, we just are more aware of it now.

  17. jcotter01 says:

    anti science, anti vax and anti gmoers should be censored. anyone who spreads lies and fear mongering in the face of the scientific method should be censored. they’re playing with lives.

  18. harbinger2nd says:

    you try getting a country to revolt when all they’re taught is the lovely dovey nonesense of MLK “nonviolent protest”. give me malcolm x any day, peace to the point where force becomes necessary.

  19. Landes L says:

    You are right, governments are flawed. Though, it is the governed that have the responsibility to criticize it so it may better itself. The representatives too are in a tough position, they sometimes have to please the people they represent despite personal biases. Whether you’re the president or a governed, I think it is counter productive to hold a personal grudge… to hate, that is.

  20. Splox5 says:

    I think that this is one of my favorite SourceFed videos. And I needed this video. It explains censoring in a way that I agree with but couldn’t coherently put into words myself. Thank you, Ryan; A++

  21. Daniel Hale says:

    Want to throw any more words in there?

  22. Zach Stanley says:

    Everyone that thumbed up this comment is now on the “Watch List”. (myself included)

  23. deathmatch1959 says:

    That’s the joke.

  24. StoneSentinel says:

    Try telling that to the Canadian Federal government…

  25. Elizabeth Carre says:

    Is it against sciencetific accidemia to have a science to make LSD in the lab or get them selves a hock up with a drug dealer? is that not specific enough?

  26. Jordan Burns says:

    Says the guy who censors his own swear words

  27. beelzebubs0bum says:

    primitive? you don’t even have free health care, at least canada has free health care

    I’d call you primitive, because you still believe in talking stakes and magical men in the sky that grand wishes 

  28. Lisa Nickerson says:

    the funniest part was then they bleeped out stuff elliott was saying it made you look badass for once…not like you don’t always look like one….damn can’t lie for crap

  29. oleHABSole says:

    Go Internet!

  30. Salvador Skeletor says:

    could david nutt be related to MARK NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT

  31. BunnehFuFu says:

    Harmless drugs such as weed,shrooms, and LSD have been outlawed because of the drastic effect they can have on our consciousness. After heroic doses of LSD or shrooms, your view on life will most likely change for the better. You won’t subjected to propaganda like the general public,and therefore see gobberment for the corrupt assholes they are.

  32. underyourbreath331 says:


  33. yaboypope402 says:

    Look at Elliot getting all badass and cursing and shit.

  34. oleHABSole says:

    How does one overthrown their Government? When was the last time any country of people overthrew their Government?. Most American don’t even know their rights, the ones that do experience police brutality.

  35. Blake Shaw says:

    I have a feeling the US government is in fact corrupt, in some form, and there may be a massive event that leads to the end of this. Meaning a new found tyrannical government: trying to take guns, watching over everybody, asking for cellphone conversations. Or maybe Obama is just really high because it is legal to smoke weed there

  36. Sina Ghaffari says:

    But then Heisenburg will get away!!!

  37. xxxGrimm420xxx says:

    damn govt, they’re getting quite cocky, they dont even try and hide their bs anymore. cannabis cant kill you. shrooms(psilocybe cubensis) can kill you but you’d have to eat roughly half your body weight, physically impossible seeing as your stomach would burst before then if you didnt eventually throw up. its all just a way to keep people from expanding their mind, whether scientifically or by actually taking them.

  38. MohawkMojo says:

    workin on it just be patient

  39. TheAwkwardBubbles says:

    i have been wondering the same thing for a while now….but us Americans are lazy.

  40. Joshua Preston says:

    anonymous is on it

  41. Wabset123 says:

    Elliots adam’s apple looks like its having a life of its own O.o

  42. FilthyJFK209 says:

    Naw we have democracy you primitive bastard

  43. oleHABSole says:

    we have to wait for these old cunts in politics to die out.

  44. d3rrial says:

    they should have blooped out the last word

  45. Hackified says:

    @beelzebubs0bum I wish….I’m waiting for everyone else to start it so I can start making these damn Molotovs

  46. iiHOST1 says:

    Marijuana & Shroom’s are Natural they grow from the ground. What if someone finds out smoking grass gets you high will they OUTLAW GRASS FUCKING GRASS!!?!?!?!??!

  47. darkgaara112 says:

    Trust us no one like the us government.

  48. Landes L says:

    Whether it should be legalized or not- This is science! This is about being curious and asking questions about how things work. If we don’t have that then we are being deliberately ignorant – And that’s the thing! How could you know if you should censor something if you’re too dishonest and prejudice to ask what it is that you are talking about?

  49. Tony Valdez says:


  50. laurin Gayle says:

    It’s Obama. Obama is why we suck
