When do I top my plants?

LSP#36 ‘1st Nutrient Feeding’
June 13, 2013
So High – Shwayze (Lyrics) HD
June 13, 2013

When do I top my plants?Just curious if anyone could give me any tips on when to top the plant and if I even need to? Thanks guys continue to watch for more weekly updates and video…


  1. GREENMANE1 says:

    thank you nor appreciate the tips! ill probably try a fim in a couple days! im just nervous to mess up haha

  2. GREENMANE1 says:

    Thank you guys! Ill give it a couple more nodes since they are outdoor! Ill do a top video sometime next week

  3. GREENMANE1 says:

    Hell ya bro well you guys will get to check out my sexy little girls in a couple days to see the progress!

  4. TheDrgreenthumb6 says:

    I’m not sure if u r getting the right info I wouldn’t touch them yet they r still quite small and weak if they r being put in the ground

  5. moneyspeaks2willis says:

    Lol you can top as early by the 3rd node . Helps keen em short and bushy . I prefer to fim over topping. Less stress on the plant. I don’t have youtube goes but I’ve been experimenting with topping and fimming lately . So remove the tallest node at the very tip. It should snap right off. I repeat fim do not top. You shouldn’t touch any branch . Just the new node coming up so it can split into 2 … I’ve got up to 4 recently off 1 fim.

  6. GREENMANE1 says:

    How tall did your plants end up being? And were you outdoor too?

  7. lijunwei1 says:

    your ok for now..just a few more node structures if it was me as they are outdoors…but just my opinion

  8. theClosetgrower420 says:

    Hey man they look ready to top now if you wanted to, I have 2 seedlings I just topped at the second node and one is a few days ahead of the other. I’ll make a video for you tonight showing you when and exactly how to both top and fimm and what you can expect from them.

  9. moneyspeaks2willis says:

    Continue fimming once a week every 7 days to each node you can find that can be fimmed . You can not fim the other one anymore , and let it get a little taller and start a LsT , so you can compare which method works best FOR YOU . because I’ve seen some supercroped plants look amazing . I’ll never ever super crop again in my life ! It’s just not for me . LST has been the best thing , or maybe I just do it perfectly . Bcuhz I have bushes that look like mothers after 40 days veg . From seed

  10. moneyspeaks2willis says:

    By the way . Lst is by far the best method , no growth stops . And it makes for a hell of bushy plant . I use zip ties … Let me know if you want to go that route .

  11. moneyspeaks2willis says:

    Mines are about 10 days ahead of yours and there 5 times that size . So I highly encourage LST . Those are both beautiful by the way .

  12. EdRePlowGole1 says:

    you could top that already. thats how big mine were when i topped them.

  13. GREENMANE1 says:

    i just used the fim method this morning on both the girls, ill post a video of the progress in a few days!

  14. Dakai2007 says:

    By no means am I an experienced grower but if you’ve seen my last and most recent videos you’d understand why I would STRONGLY encourage you to top what do you have to lose? Most of the indoor growers wish they could grow outdoors and seeing as how your grow is you have the advantage over us. But if it was me I’d take advantage of your natural resources available. Even though I’m a closet grower I’d sat top at your second week of veg but thats my opinion.

  15. Acers8219 says:

    Yeah id wait till they get bigger too.

  16. GREENMANE1 says:

    They are staying in planters. i dont have the luxury of planting in the ground here
