Medicinal Marijuana Update..

trainwreck, close to harvest
March 27, 2013
Watching Them Watching Me Watching Them II
March 27, 2013

Medicinal Marijuana Update..Just did my first trim of bottom feeders and some needless fans.


  1. DARKVADE420 says:

    looks time you do this try to keep the plants under mh bulb for the first 14 days of the 12/12 cycle it reduces the stretching of the plants a lot and keeps the nodes tighter and the plants squat and bushy.not tall and spacey,try to bend the stalks now instead of raising the bulbs probley the best move for ya.good luck I always wanted to grow some bubble gum let us know how it turns out .

  2. cris alonzo says:

    The buds look bomb man,

  3. joeshowallme says:

    Thanks, man. A little over 30 days, and then drying/curing. But that wont stop me from sampling the “uncured” product (a little)! Looking forward.
