The Drug War Undermines Security and Development

School Principal: Armed Officer ‘A Win-Win’
March 22, 2013
Cannabis & Children
March 22, 2013

The Drug War Undermines Security and DevelopmentHelp us caption and translate this video on Those countries where there is little economic infrastructure and the …


  1. bohemianwriter1 says:

    You\re quite close to the truth there. The ideology behind prohibition derives from Christianity. The Church didn’t want anyone to get high on anyhtng else than Jesus and Paul.

  2. serpens8 says:

    english or hungarian subtitle?

  3. MWCstream says:

    instead of spending all the money poisoning the fields and cutting down the poor farmers crops, why not pay the farmer to cut down his own crop, with more money then he would get for selling it? That sounds like it would make a lot more sense to me.

  4. hevy6 says:

    We should buy the opium and create cheaper drugs and win the drug market with quality drugs. Why are drugs even illegal, because some christian conservative want em illegal? haha how moralistic.

  5. Drugreporter HCLU says:

    Coming soon!
