School Principal: Armed Officer ‘A Win-Win’

pro mmj
March 22, 2013
The Drug War Undermines Security and Development
March 22, 2013

School Principal: Armed Officer 'A Win-Win'Jordan Elementary School Principal, Stacy DeCorsey, tells the Associated Press the school has hired a trained, armed officer to guard the front door. DeCorse…


  1. btaries12 says:

    We have a officer in every school for the DARE program has been like that sense mid 90’s

  2. speerrituall1 says:

    It’s so sad that the world has come to this.

  3. ThisIsTurok99 says:

    There is no proof to show the Sandy Hook event actually happened.

    There are no photos or videos of bodies of the killer or the supposed victims.

    No photos of the supposed room where the shooting took place.

    There are no empty weapon shells.

    There is nothing, yet we’re supposed to just rollover and accept the bullshit.

  4. t5e2 says:

    be honest, you will feel safer your kids go to that school with armed security guard.

  5. JogBird says:

    the shooter would just go after the school buses then… lets put armed,officers in those too…

  6. GeorgeTheGreek1978 says:

    It’s sad that it took a killing spree to have a police officer in a school

  7. TheGamingTour says:

    Gun Free Zones are places where guns are not allowed to be carried, like Schools and other places that display a sign that says “no guns or other weapons allowed on these premises”. The problem is that the bad guys don’t follow laws, and when they want to harm people, they go to places like these because they know that there is no one that will stop them with a gun.

  8. Stinkpoppa says:

    Spot on .. most people can’t see past their nose but you nailed this one.

  9. takeoUup115 says:

    Future head line: School Police Officer guns down student. 

  10. TheGamingTour says:


  11. joe alford says:

    a bunch of stupid comments. no, nothing is perfect, but, i do believe the odds are better with the protection than without. at least with the officer there you have a good chance of stopping some crazy person, without him, you have zero chance. put your child in whichever situation you want. i think anyone given a choice would be a total fool not to pick having a trained officer there. its amazing how blind some people are. would anyone put there child at more risk because they dont like guns.

  12. cashlessbread says:

    paranormal accounts are evidence demons exist..every case has an interdimensional approach,using deception as an affective constraint..demons mimic the deceased promoting séances -talking to the dead,they also mimic alien-grays,ufo’s and bigfoot worldwide promoting secularism..they’ll use any shapeshifting deception steering men away from the analyze demonic accounts check the playlist on my channel.

  13. seanc03 says:

    We live on Earth not Utopistan, its a fucked place and we need to be prepaired here on Earth. We cannot just sit around and wish that it was Utopistan. Don’t be naive and fill your head with non sense.

  14. DeaddudeRS says:

    Question, how often does an insane person just happen to walk into a school with a gun in the united states?

  15. 100WangWing says:

    To say ‘we have to prepare for’ a potential mass murderer is mad. To accept people will try and gun down your kids is mad. I don’t think people are actually listening to what’s being said. Think about what this means!

  16. mrmaciejm says:

    I think next time the officer will be shot first.

  17. Himmelswalker says:

    There are no gun free zones in the US. In the US you can get a gun everywhere you want. Try that in France, Switzerland or Germany.

  18. vampin6 says:

    Is this a joke? an elementary school and you don’t feel ashamed for reoprting auch rubish ap do you even watch your reports sometimes?

  19. miamibabii77 says:


  20. John Drain says:

    Columbine had an armed guard, didn’t help them.
    This is like the “duck and cover” tactic if there’s a nuclear explosion, makes people feel safer..but its the illusion of safety.

  21. southport97 says:

    “Keeping kids safe?” Good luck with that lofty goal.

  22. WashingtonEnema says:

    Unfortunately this officer isn’t going to stop someone, if that someone targets the officer first. We have to find out what triggers these shootings and not blame guns. Blame big pharma and keep kids off these crazy pills that make situations worse.

  23. NibiruTheBrownDwarf says:

    I will tell you what “they” the criminals in Washington, are trying to do; they want a POLICE STATE USA and they want it by the end of the decade. That is the purpose of the Sandy Hook HOAX!! There is a LOT of evidence to indicate that it was a hoax. Look at the videos here on You Tube. Many things do not add up! I am glad for the children’s safety, but this is the main goal for the Illuminatti devils that are running America.

  24. Himmelswalker says:

    Lol, that is ridiculous since a navy seals was shot at a shooting range. You are living a dream, where you can defend yourself with a gun.

    In the US you can get a gun everywhere, even where guns are banned you can just visit next city or state to get one and gun-related violence is so high like in a third world country.

  25. fivemeomedia says:

    we should cut everyones arms off and slash their eyes to stop any violence… period

  26. BuddyIStalking says:

    Most high schools already have a police officer, I don’t see the controversy.
