Joey Diaz – True Friendship at a Memorial Service – This Is Not Happening – Uncensored

Joey Diaz details his relationship with his mother’s best friend and how it shaped his definition of friendship in this extended clip. The Comedy Central app has full episodes of your favorite…


  1. Luka Magnotta says:

    Great fucking story.

  2. SoundboyEric says:

    6:40 oh shit droppin real knowledge

  3. Joe Perez says:

    one momo likes ranch with his wings.

  4. kr1ppster says:

    Best friday ever

  5. Hamsel Diaz Perdomo says:

    @10:02″Cause you don’t need 20 friends, you just need three motherfuckers
    and you can take over a country” …….best quote by far #madflavor +Joey

  6. Katherine Kapalczynski says:

    Awesome story Uncle Joey. Made me cry. 

  7. Senor Fabulous says:

    I FUCKING LOVE JOEY, hes easily my favorite comedian what the fuck is all
    of this shit about kevin heart or whatever i dont see people talking about

  8. GEOH1100 says:

    Can’t wait for the next season, Ari needs to not go to Thailand and start
    working on it !

  9. SCP4TWENTY says:

    Damn, I really loved this story! Joey Diaz is the best. He made me laugh
    even through the sad parts and it had a great ending with a valuable

  10. The Vince says:

    JOEY “COCO” DIAZ!!!! aka mad flava aka joey karate

    This was the best episode by far.

    i love you uncle joey!!! STAY BLACK, COCKSUCKAS!!!!!

  11. 45Boobie45 says:

    jesus christ. I’ve never had a real friend. 

  12. Dame Marshall says:

    God Joey, you put a frog in my throat.
    Loved it though

  13. Jeremy Grogg says:


  14. Ari Gold says:

    Good to see the chruch here in effect now for a lil tony bennet for the

  15. najtrows says:

    Joey Fucking Diaz! Thank you!

  16. Kevin Dreslin says:

    Only Joey Diaz can having me laughing my ass off, then misty eyed, then
    laughing again all in the span of 15 minutes.

  17. gotboostin4low says:

    Mad Flavor is the best story teller ever! 

  18. Joe De Sousa says:

    12:17 I heard lee syat LMAO

  19. XxFIFAKINGXx says:

    Like a savage. Fucking tremendous 

  20. KingJemnas says:

    He made a very good point about friendship. A lot of people want infinite
    friends but all you really need is a few close motherfuckers and you’re set
    for life

  21. whocareforealakilla says:

    Joey is always classic, every single time. What a legend!

  22. SoundboyEric says:

    theres two comedians in this world who can tell a story, and not get a joke
    for a minute but still kill – lenny, and coco

  23. Williamtipq says:

    This shit was fuckin deep and emotional, I teared up and felt the energy,
    that was really deep. 

  24. Johnny Zehner says:

    Seriously, God bless you! This right here is a genuine dude! Fuck

  25. Zkullz Esac says:

    Powerful Joey ‘COCO’ Diaz

  26. Jonathan Hernandez says:

    Had to let these motherfuckers know who the Captain Kirk of the enterprise
    is! LIKE A DOTCA! Stay Black

  27. BigNick66 says:

    damn coco is a good story teller.

  28. joey1324 says:

    Fucking tremendous! Give Joey a special he definitely deserves one.

  29. SeeJ R says:

    Whoever picked the ‘Chiwawa’ section of this incredible story as a brief
    representation of this performance is a fucking idiot.

  30. Preston Vaughan says:

    Making mother fuckers cry an shit…. Didnt expect this one. Nice set,
    loved it!

  31. lolmouf says:

    one of the best fuckin episodes

  32. shukster smithfield says:

    best one of them all joey diaz a fuckin killer !!!

  33. NvS says:

    Diaz Went DEEEP, he did a great job! And The Flying Jew Him self Lee
    Laughing at 12:16! tremendous! 

  34. digitalelixer says:

    Been waitin for joey!

  35. mindslightlylifted says:

    Stay black, cocksuckas.

  36. manswellz says:

    Joey’s an amazing storyteller with a good heart. Legendary

  37. zatchk says:

    Comedy Central do yourself a favor and get this man a special ASAP!

  38. LLLLQQQQ123 says:

    CC needs more Coco! 

  39. Williamtipq says:

    FINALLY I’ve been waiting all week for this. 

  40. Derrick Hill says:

    The Cuban Jew preaching to all the wasps out there, today is the day!

  41. zenemiJnavI says:

    God damn this was amazing!

  42. hamza says:

    when joey teared up it broke my heart.. this dude is literally my fav stand
    up comic & story teller.. much love to ya uncle joey

  43. mark miller says:

    uncle joey delivers

  44. RNS Entertainment says:

    Fucking legend

  45. Jack O'Toole says:

    Lee’s laugh @12:18 

  46. Nicolas Cage says:

    Heart of gold! 

  47. Ed Moore says:

    Straight up this made me cry a little. Really beautiful story. Long live

  48. Abdul Al says:

    Wat a fuckin legend!!!

  49. Vargas Videos TV! Comedyyy says:

    Fuck yeah

  50. Óðinn Jakobsson says:

    What an amazing story! STAY BLACK COCKSUCKA!

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