Side by side intro

January 17, 2015
Uncensored – This Is Not Happening – Ari Shaffir – Smuggling Weed
January 17, 2015

side by side with cannachar.


  1. treb sixtwosix says:

    Cool vid bro nice set up keep em coming

  2. MrBlueGoo420 says:
  3. tazydevil93 says:

    the strobe would almost be like simulatin lightening

  4. dabomb2000pacman says:

    Can you just explain your growing system from seedling to planting and

  5. Sam Squanch says:

    Cant wait for the comedy. Stoner time

  6. Sam Squanch says:

    It does…. I’ll tell you what it does. And edits the video. Thats whats
    up. Looking good

  7. larsonb33 says:

    Man I thought you were dead I want MORE VIDEOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. tazydevil93 says:

    whats goin on with your lights man u simulatin a cloudy day in the grow
    room :p surely that would burn your bulbs up twice as fast? i have no idea

  9. tazydevil93 says:

    u should chuck some strobe lights and a colour changin light in that bitch
    your plants would be ravin haha
