Scissorless Clone Trimming!

Operation Aardvark Drop Week 4 Update
July 12, 2013
Harvest/Seedlings/Flower Room Update
July 12, 2013

Scissorless Clone Trimming! for live chat with nay all day! Thank you for being a subscriber! You guys rock! Please keep the friend requests coming to face boo…


  1. Seymour Butts says:

    superthrive.. good call

  2. Zrt2223 says:

    Great lil tips Nay! Keepin it Trendy without scissors! Thanks man

  3. ACD's Tube says:

    Woah man, your camera is trippy as hell. It’s doing all this crazy subtle warping.

  4. 1starkiller420 says:

    Fuck Hollywood haha

  5. DystoniaDabs says:

    tube to nay, tube to nay. are you there nay?

  6. MrMarine347 says:

    Very Nice , nay .

  7. victor peña says:

    hey hey hey nay whats up man how are u? i dont know if u remember me but im werevertumorrito02 ife been in the chats nd streams a while!but i started working nd shit nd didnt have mutch time to sit down nd watch a trendy nay vid! jeje glad to see ur babys growing man keep it up happy 420 legalize every where!!

  8. condescendingdouche says:

    Superficial tears from node to stem actually serve to expose the epidermal layer which promotes faster rooting.

    Also, to avoid cross contamination, never dip clones directly into the rooting hormone container, instead spoon some out into a shot glass.

    Another trick, trim fan leaves in half with your bare hands, because when you rip by hand, you are naturally splitting the cell wall rather than cutting it in half [with a scissor].

    Nonetheless, to each his own, and I love your videos man.

  9. quijiibow says:

    3:06 The blank stare is awesome.
