Operation Aardvark Drop Week 4 Update

CFL — Closet Grow (Flowering) wk#5
July 12, 2013
Scissorless Clone Trimming!
July 12, 2013

Operation Aardvark Drop Week 4 UpdateOperation Aardvark Drop Week 4 Update (no music)


  1. DerpDerpity420 says:

    Thanks, again. Peace! TSG

  2. DerpDerpity420 says:

    Thank you very much for the view and the nice comment. Peace! TSG

  3. DerpDerpity420 says:

    Yea they love the ChaChing and Beastie Buds, lol. Thanks for viewing and commenting. Peace brother! TSG

  4. akasmokesalot johnny says:

    lol scrogged tomato plants…i hear ya derp…go big or go home….

  5. guido69014 says:

    Looks sharp!!  Nice set up

  6. Kennabyss says:

    nice nice nice. 
