LIVE! LIVE CLONE & GODPAWN UNBOXING! & 4:20 of course #trendys!

Dr. Mehrdad Barghian: Chemically Isolating the Components of the Trichome
October 10, 2014
Indoor Growing flower 31 days
October 11, 2014

LIVE! LIVE CLONE & GODPAWN UNBOXING! & 4:20 of course #trendys! for live web cam chat all day! Thank you for being a subscriber! You guys rock! Please keep the friend requests coming to face book at Trendyas Dabbers and…


  1. socalhippie hashman says:

    Great show bay..sorry I couldn’t reply back..either my phone or youtube
    wouldn’t let me view the live..hope you in enjoy those clones man..that
    strain is fire.. it has an amazing smell and taste and has a heavy couch
    lock effects and is one of my favorite strains..much love and respect

  2. scooby mcclishes says:
  3. Watch it Go says:

    Thumbs up folks

  4. Trendyasdabbers says:

    please share this video thank you!
