Kiowa Tribal Land, Marijuana Bust–August 11 & 12, 2010–Part II.wmv

Indoor Marijuana Growing Setup – How to Grow Pot Seeds 13
September 27, 2010
How much money can you make growing marijuana?
September 27, 2010
saycoin72 asked:

Part II: On the morning of Wednesday, August 11, 2010 BIA officers, state officers, and Caddo County officers conducted a “marijuana raid” on the Lone Bear original allotment near Carnegie, OK. It was a covert operation since the land owners nor any of the Lone Bear descendants were notified of the pending action. The action began at 5:30am and one suspect of Mexican descent was arrested while another was said to have escaped?! When I saw the helicopter on the morning of August 11 and was told that a local news van passed by the house I decided to investigate the situation. The Lone Bear allotment is a Kiowa tribal allotment belonging to the Kiowa Lone Bear who received the 160 acre plot in 1901 as did each member of the Kiowa, Comanche, and Kiowa-Apache tribes. However, the Lone Bear property held signicance in the history of the Kiowa people because it was the gathering site for the Kiowa Tai-Piah Gaw, a Kiowa Warrior’s Society. The Kiowa Tai-Piah Gaw continued to meet annually on this ground up until 1927. This is the cultural and historic significance that the Lone Bear’s Old Dance Ground once had to the Kiowa community. Eventually, I made my way to the west perimeter of the allotment where I saw smoke rising up from the creek–which we call “Cedar Creek”. When I climbed down into the familar creek botttom I saw approximately 20 men dressed in SWAT camos, boots, and armed to the teeth with AR-15s, Glocks, and even grenades. One officer saw me taking videos and


  1. LetArtsLive says:

    what a waste

  2. LyonLMS says:

    go take some clones faster ! 😀

  3. mahtame says:

    Pretty scary!!!

  4. touchnova says:

    Hate to go political, but this is one reason why I firmly believe in securing our borders. When it gets personal, when they’re on your land…it’s just not right. Great insight and coverage of this story m’friend, thanks for posting up.
