GARY 16: oaksterdam marijuana inc. cnbc drug bust reenactment

Was he thinking of or referring to marijuana when he said this?
September 10, 2010
Marijuana Growing Info Experts Only,California info also?
September 10, 2010
GaryMarijuanaPotDoll asked:

SUBSCRIBE—-for Gary 16 video: gary reenacts marijuana inc. cnbc style. Huge drug marijuana bust just like TV. Watch Gary 17 the finale marijuana pod doll saga..


  1. marrakeshz says:

    all he wanted to do is just get high =(

  2. tom4705 says:

    Whats the name of that song at the end?

  3. cvmg1969 says:

    Here is a great idea – lets all be like Johnny Apple seed – seed America everywhere, in parks, on the lawn of the court houses across the land – from California to the New York high land, from the Redwood forest to the Gulf Stream waters – this land was meant for marijuana! Let “Seed America” be a battle cry for the new freedom we all want. This is civil disobediance at it’s finest – Seed America from sea to shining sea!

  4. dmartinez5667350 says:

    lol, keep fighting little doll. this should be on tv.

  5. ghettomark11 says:

    haha 666 views

  6. TheWarChildIV says:

    Ha Ha So True except Towely gets high.

  7. Sickoflifebandleader says:

    Gary is like towely of South Park 😀

  8. cdimezza says:

    I hope that little fucker gets gang raped.

  9. jjmcgyver420 says:

    Gary busted? And at 4:20?? I guess that’s the shit for you my friend,eh?

  10. RobsStudio says:

    I want to know what happens to him!

  11. VampireLord66 says:

    lol those bastard cops! Picking on Pot head Puppets!

  12. GordonEdward says:

    Heh, I think they should have shocked him, and he could have said the line… “Don’t taze me bro… I just wanna get high!”

  13. ladyluvbuds says:

    gary i hope you get high.

  14. slippereal says:

    ahahaha great job gary. cops in philly have been psycho since frank rizzo!!!

    was that one cops name spiccoli? LOL

  15. 311cky says:

    Damn Gary, I’m sorry you got busted….all you wanted to do was get high! Good luck : ) Funny video!!! 5 stars!

  16. BecauseOfBoredom says:

    oh garry.. you’re nuts. lol, “do i look like a cop?”. that alone made me laugh.

  17. Organjic says:

    I was hoping this was a real scenario!

  18. maxandjohn says:

    Stay strong, Gary!!

  19. Mikeeeopn says:

    Great Vid Gary!!!!

  20. iGotHits says:

    Funny as Hell, good luck Gary… Hahaha

  21. popebenadict16 says:

    free the weed. free gary.
