Wifes strawberry feast and the outdoor. Week 1!

Green gardens bloom
May 19, 2013
How To Grow Marijuana In Your Backyard
May 19, 2013

Wifes strawberry feast and the outdoor. Week 1!Finally the time has come for this outdoor season for me. I waited a few weeks later to plant and it worked out. A lot of people have planted the last few we…


  1. carrie anastas says:

    new sub. where you two from ;)

  2. J4ea2sy0 says:

    looks soo dankk

  3. gettinswole23 says:

    All those strawberry desserts looked amazing. Only way they could be better is if the fillings had hash oil in them.

  4. Slurpen Terpen says:

    Somebody has been running a shovel!

  5. HeadBangaxxx says:

    So basically if u clone ur plant then grow it’ll grow faster

  6. DeaconFiirsT says:

    is dog uring good for plants? because my next door neighbor’s yard is yellow as fuck and not lookin to bounce back .. not hating just curious
