Washington Outdoor Grow pt.1

Southern Oregon Diesel
May 22, 2014
5/21/14 OMMP Outdoor grow Day 10 in the Ground…
May 22, 2014

Washington Outdoor Grow pt.1Hey everyone it has been a long time. I’m getting back to youtubing with regular updates.. This time around we have Blueberry/Black-domina, Purple Nepal, Orange Blossum, Space Queen, a Humboldt…


  1. Green Thumb Washington says:

    Add a message to your video

  2. Rage King says:

    WASHINGTON REPRESENT! More vids please!!! thanks man, good shit. 

  3. AutoGrower420 says:

    Right on man I live in Washington also and I just started my seedlings as
    well, this is my first time growing outdoors. You should personal message
    me bro I could learn a few things about outdoor Washington growing.
