Stoner Snack Review Explosion

Best Vines for LST Compilation – September 24, 2014 Wednesday Night
September 25, 2014
LED Grow R.S.O. Project/Veg Update
September 25, 2014

Stoner Snack Review ExplosionI am pretty sure something exp[lodes in the webisode. Soundrone’s Premium Organic Hemp Wick Bee Lasso is now on AMAZON or at For Parts 420 or search Amazon…


  1. TMAN says:

    Oh, and I hear no noise at all.

  2. khris j says:

    lol call some one a bong hole instead of a ass hole hahhaha 

  3. BlinkkHD says:

    greetings fellow stoners, im lookin to buy a pretty nice bong what brands
    do you recommend?? I def want boro so please no china glass websites thank
    you all!!!

  4. Danilo Huaynate says:

    Im sorry sound, but chicken tenders with buffalo dip all the way

  5. Niko Bellic says:

    Fuckin’ A. The closest Carl Jrs is in fucking Canada and the closest
    Hardees is 3 fucking hours away. FML amirite?

  6. TMAN says:

    Nice, got this email notification for this vid.

    How doing Sound? I love our vids my man and trying to get a few friends to
    check them out and follow also. I’ll be ordering some BL from ya soon
    brosky. Want to check that stuff out, also want one of your Jackets, but
    that’ll have to be a bit down the road.

    Keep up the good fight and please upload more, can’t get enough of your
    vids, specially the longer ones. Going to try getting you on G+ if you have
    it, I’d like to talk to you about a few things sometime on a more personal/
    business level once you get to know me a bit more. Again keep up the good
    fight. Cheers!

  7. devilsgardianangel says:

    i hear it but quiet

  8. Steven Drake says:

    I just ordered a shit ton of Bee Lasso and I can’t wait until it gets

  9. Austin Olmstead says:

    Happy birthday

  10. Cheech Green says:


    Good shit bro keep up the dope vids! 🙂 

  11. Jake Wrecker says:

    I NEED HELP! What should I do about my mom making condescending remarks
    like “little stoned are we?” in this like snarky voice. It makes me sad
    because I want to respect my mom, but my anxiety keeps me from my daily
    life. Weed does help that, but I feel bad for being stoned I guess? Cheers
    from Florida man love the vids !!!!

  12. tjzx3432 says:

    I hope he called it the glass shack. He who lives in a glass shack shall be
    the most stoned.

  13. SatinMan says:

    Right on Sound I’ll have to try that next time!
    I love the western bacon cheeseburger and waffle fries at Carls Jr!


  14. TMAN says:

    And can’t wait for your site to be up my man, get that f-r up asap brosky.

  15. Stone Tacular says:

    Cream cheese police currently whooping the fuck out of me

  16. eatsnoodles says:

    Hey sound you ever been to Chilliwack?

  17. OlioO23 says:

    The kitty

  18. BigJoe Kasulis says:

    You should never cross the cream cheese police. They mean business! 

  19. Sound Experiments says:
  20. cam commerford says:

    Restock the lasso bulb! hahaha

  21. Gillz says:

    Hi dud

  22. Gabriel Zane says:

    love your vids man, i always spark a huge bowl to your vids

  23. david brown says:

    it fixed the sound YO

  24. BigJoe Kasulis says:

    Das a good Kitty…. 😀 

  25. Nexus Jebus | Insanity says:

    The feedback is still there during times when you’re not talking or there’s
    no noise. The easiest way I’ve found of getting rid of the feedback is
    using Audacity and using the noise removal effect to select an area of your
    audio where you’re not talking and it will remove it from the rest of the
    videos audio. The volume of the feedback has been decreased but to fully
    get rid of it you’ll need to either do what I suggested or find another way
    to remove the noise manually. Regardless excellent video Sound, ptfo.

  26. Gabriel Zane says:

    bro i could build u website easy man i had my own website for like two

  27. redneckofgaming 20 says:

    With out stoners there would be no fast food 

  28. Satryicon says:

    Got something to get tomorrow for the wife and I. Your cat is so mellow and
    chill! For some reason the cream cheese police made me think of the song
    Dream Police. So now have a kick ass song stuck in my head, a new snack to
    check out and another great video down! Cheers bud!

  29. Angel Martinez says:

    Smell porn.

  30. HalfBaked1243 says:

    fast food restaurants in the US have more food that you wold think a stoner
    came up with the recipe

  31. khris j says:

    stomer snatx snower snatx stoner sancks lol the pineapple express like at
    the begin of the movie its gods vigan weed 

  32. Oilhead says:

    I want to buy a china china from your shop as soon as it opens dude ..The
    audio sounds fine btw.. lmao the grunting from the cake..xtra hillarious
    video dude

  33. caydinK . says:

    Carls Jr. Knows what they’re doing… ;D lmao good work on bringing the
    website together and keep making videos, I love your videos!

  34. michael kearney says:

    I still hear it

  35. funnbun says:

    noise is still there
