Soma’s Sacred Seeds – Soma’s grow secrets: SUPERCROPPING

Lemon Amnesia Medical Marijuana Amsterdam 2013
September 13, 2013
Haze Berry – RQS – Week 8 after germination + Nutrient Lockout + 1st week under the Scrog net.
September 13, 2013

Soma's Sacred Seeds - Soma's grow secrets: SUPERCROPPINGGrowing some plants outside in the summer can be a great learning experience. There are a few rules to consider. You must use the correct genetics for your c…


  1. bababludrawz says:

    thumbz up

  2. qwerty42 says:

    Huge respect. Awesome tips in the video description… especially the “right strain for your climate” part. Sweet stained glass in the beginning. Cheers

  3. simon Young says:

    Long time no vid man! More like this would be sweet & more cookin stuff please m8. Thanks : )

  4. Melvin McMangler says:

    you and billy could e brothers

  5. live2grow says:

    i always look forward to watching soma’s videos good stuff

  6. gr8gr33nz says:

    Got knots the size of half dollars from pinching helps the lower growth become more uniform with the rest.. i just do the tops once the bottom growth is uniform then I pinch lower growth then tie down for 12/12:D nice show
