S2 E13 “From Clone 2 Dome” Avoiding Disaster

“FML”… words I never seem to say.
May 22, 2014
Полевые работы (аут, высадка десанта)
May 22, 2014

S2 E13 LEGAL CANNABIS PATIENT MUST BE 18 TO VIEW ** Sorry for the gap in videos but with a baby coming any day and insane hours at work its been hard to VLOG…but I’m back now! QUESTIONS & TALK…


  1. stableboy420 says:

    I would see these videos pop up, and didn’t bother watching them, thinking
    it was just YET ANOTHER cloning tutorial on youtube. Seriously. How many
    videos do we need about how to clone? But I checked this video out, now I
    have to go back and watch the others, since I know it is not just about
    cloning. Good stuff, and best of luck with the baby on the way.

  2. BrownGuy420 says:
  3. KruellaDevil Diabolito says:

    Even though we dont grow under the same light types I still follow you and
    really like your style, great job on the greenhouse, cant wait to have the
    space to build one myself, like the fact its simple and comes down easily
    for winter months, being from Québec Canada, I know a thing or two about
    winter : )!!!! Keep feeding us!
