out door medical grow. dont hate this is my first vid . i used floranova grow . for veg . and a buddy just gave me some flowering nutes . not sure what they are .
@superstrain007 just some random seeds i found and yes that was a male . i am letting the midget plant breed with the tall ones and see what happens when i get some seeds out of that .. but yeah thanks dude and if you need some seeds just inbox me and maybee i can send you some .. free thats why i am breeding these …. seeds cost alot. now days … .
nice grow dude .. i noticed you got some males
!! was thoose femi seeds or was is regular seedss ?? couse i think mine is turning hermie it was my first outdoor project and she did me like that !! But anyway great grow dude !!
@darren107 thx for the offer that was kind i most say !! what strain you using ?? personally im growing SAD a black domina inbreed but it aint going as i hoped it shoud … Peace dude keep in touch !!
@213krew lol no doubt …..
@superstrain007 just some random seeds i found and yes that was a male . i am letting the midget plant breed with the tall ones and see what happens when i get some seeds out of that .. but yeah thanks dude and if you need some seeds just inbox me and maybee i can send you some .. free thats why i am breeding these …. seeds cost alot. now days … .
nice grow dude .. i noticed you got some males
it was my first outdoor project and she did me like that
!! But anyway great grow dude !! 
!! was thoose femi seeds or was is regular seedss ?? couse i think mine is turning hermie
@darren107 thx for the offer that was kind i most say !! what strain you using ?? personally im growing SAD a black domina inbreed but it aint going as i hoped it shoud … Peace dude keep in touch !!