Outdoor Cannabis Grow: Day 32 “Minor Setback”

1000 watt Cannabis Grow: Northern Lights Flowering Week 5
June 28, 2013
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June 28, 2013

Outdoor Cannabis Grow: Day 32 Sorry For not updating sooner just been busy. Gunna be topping them again in a couple days so subscribe for that:) Like and Sub outdoor medical marijuana grow.


  1. SavageReefer420 says:

    Thanks, There in 3 gallon pots right now but i got 2 18 gallon hoping to get 3 more so i can transplant them:)

  2. killerkush024 says:

    Your plants are still looking great bro, what size pots do u have them in??

  3. tdawg707420 says:

    Looking great bro keep up the great growing

  4. gustina242 says:

    im so fucking high right now haha lovin the vids

  5. SavageReefer420 says:

    Haha cheers to that 🙂 and thanks and more update vids soon
