Jack Daniels and Dabs?

Лечебная трава из Узистана! Чумовое видео!
December 22, 2013
21 Plus Rated R Medical Cannabis…Round 1 Day 10 Flower Part 1
December 22, 2013

Jack Daniels and Dabs?Soundrone’s Premium Organic Hemp Wick Bee Lasso is now on AMAZON or at For Parts 420 Armory Soundrone Army M…


  1. LollinBallin says:

    lol practicing medicine hahaha

  2. Armen hammer says:

    somebody sign this man… 

  3. youwouldjake says:

    RESIN JAR UPDATE sound please!!

  4. Ryan s says:

    You should roll and smoke a salad joint and or smoke a salad bowl

  5. BrutesWayy says:

    nay lol


    I like your nay shirt man, DUDE! Open that box for christmas day!!!


    You should some day try to get a 12mm tube end for rubber grommet with a
    14.5mm glass on glass to convert any waterpipe into an oil rig haha

  8. FJNBproductions says:

    Sound… I don’t think that was the first bong hit of the day hahaha 

  9. bob marley says:

    you should dab some shatter, shatter doesn’t make me cough as much as
    budder does

  10. neige81 says:

    nice shirt sound!

  11. youwouldjake says:

    we want you to show the dabs off!!!!!!

  12. TheTffyd says:

    I looked it up and i guess practice has 2 meanings. To do something to get
    better or maintain skill at that something, or the actual aplication of a
    method, idea, or beleif

  13. aidandude3 says:

    Hahah nice ending man

  14. midas touch says:

    its called a practice because medicine isn’t quite an exact science yet,
    doctors “practice” medicine.

  15. SouthernOregonOrgani says:

    once its dirty, I just go to the grocery store, buy a bottle or two of 99%
    iso alcohol and soak that bad boy over night then rinse with hot water. All
    clean every time, and only cost 2-5 dollars.

  16. BigSwiftyCheese says:

    Please open the box.Peace

  17. noimsteven says:

    hey sound, love the vid and actually just made a jack build after seein you
    make yours, random question time, how much were you paying for bud when you
    first started?

  18. ilikeamanda says:

    Nay shirt? where can i get one?

  19. Armen hammer says:

    I was on dabs 24/7 i only smoke flower now dabs are nasty and the high is
    no where near as good imo

  20. john colon says:

    Trendy shirt!

  21. tazydevil93 says:

    haha wiked

  22. George Nieves says:

    I would love 2 do dabs, but being in ny , plus my dealer dont want to be
    stuck with a block of hash. Regardless , YOU WANT TO SMOKE SOME REEFER WITH

    NEW YORK 420


  23. denver4life420 says:

    love that shirt sound 

  24. tomato48 says:


  25. RiccRaw23to83 says:

    Just put my order in for the bee lasso globe and 3pac of nugs. Cant wait to
    b smoking pure as i can b! (had to have that globe its so coo!) I wont b
    mad if u throw in “FREE STUFF” P.T.F.O.

  26. KushFromTheWest says:

    That big jar of flowers….. droollll

  27. MoeGreen420 says:

    Killer rip merry Christmas 

  28. Stone Tacular says:

    I fucking love that shirt! Where can i get one?

  29. MyDadeo says:

    You need to do videos everyday

  30. Rowan Pritchard says:

    To clean your bongs really easily just get 99% Isopropnal and salt and
    throw it in the bong and shake it all up, you can see how fast it cleans
    your bong. The salt is for abrasiveness 

  31. SounDrone Fan says:

    Nice vid Sound

  32. Gage Leblanc says:

    First:3 love your videos Floyd 

  33. Jim Cameron says:

    merry x mass & happy new year back @ you and yours

  34. Chris W says:

    you should do a dab at the end of every video

  35. garretanderson61 says:


  36. ADS24643 says:

    Honestly what would happen if people the high branches of our government
    smoked weed? It makes me so mad i wish they just would

  37. sonny john says:

    Happy holidays sound 🙂 

  38. trendyasdabbers says:

    Thank you bro awesome!

  39. SatinMan says:

    I am a veteran weed smoker, but dabs don’t metabolize with me well.
    Too strong to take all at one time.

    Flowers is where it’s at for me!

    Flower power!

  40. Sound Experiments says:
  41. joshua hughes says:

    Hey sound love ur videos… Gunna make a jack bong as soon as i order from
    420 armory keep up the good work… Good smokin to ya
