Hit and Run #08

LST & HST Training; Cannabis Patient’s Outdoor Patio Grow
September 16, 2014
HIGHLYMEDICATED Best Vines Compilation – September 15, 2014 Monday Night
September 16, 2014

Hit and Run #08Soundrone’s Premium Organic Hemp Wick Bee Lasso is now on AMAZON or at For Parts 420 Armory.com or search Amazon for : 420 armory Soundrone…


  1. duane doak says:

    Way to early for that lol. Good luck finishing the day :)

  2. Olivier Bouchard Bruyere says:

    Do you buy your bho or you’re making it? If so, it would be great if you
    make a video on how you make it. PTFO

  3. Sound Experiments says:
  4. CAPSrule8888 says:


  5. eric cronin says:

    Yo sound, I’ve been having issues with the bee lasso site when I try and

  6. skeliton1011 says:

    Love that little glass piece you’re using! When is the website going to be
    up and running? 

  7. Jake McGee says:

    Cheers ya queers 

  8. MrDaveman420 says:


  9. Whippy TripodZA says:

    Hey sound is there anyway you could make a dab build that would be awesome

  10. UrBoiMagna says:

    More like hit and sleep

  11. SickInTheHead236 says:

    Cheers sound! Love my wake n dabs.
