Hit and Run #07

Can you get as high as me?
September 12, 2014
BlackJack Autoflower Cannabis Hps Tent Grow
September 13, 2014

Hit and Run #07Soundrone’s Premium Organic Hemp Wick Bee Lasso is now on AMAZON or at For Parts 420 Armory.com or search Amazon for : 420 armory Soundrone…


  1. Cameron Moyer says:

    I like the longer videos more than these hit and runs… 

  2. Lee Roy says:

    Nice toke love the vids

  3. Sound Experiments says:
  4. spectre says:

    you need some domeless in your life!

  5. duane doak says:

    New website. “Hit and run”

  6. New Money says:

    Sound do a low temp dab with the highly educated nail it’s smoother and
    taste AMAZING!!

  7. Polo Rain says:

    Mannnnn this makes me want a dab bowl so badddd..

  8. Kelly Purcell says:

    haha the ending 😀 

  9. BigJoe Kasulis says:

